    how do you remove coffee stains from white fabric?

    0  Views: 321 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    First of all you have to determine if the fabric is dry clean only or you can use water to clean it. Once you identify the fabric, then you can take the next step.

    A color safe bleach, vinegar, or Oxyclean may work on a water cleanable fabric. Truth be known you probably won't be able to clean the actual stain out you will have to bleach it out with a safe product.

    If it's a dry clean only fabric, take it to the dry cleaners or call a professional upholstery cleaner. Hope this helps...

    p.s. be careful not to set the stain you should rinse it first with a mild cleaner, cotton will shrink, it just depends where the stain is or what it's on.
    Put some (preferabaly Dawn) dish soap on BOTH sides of the stained fabric. Then, pour boiling water on the stain. Be careful not to let the water splash you. If possible, put it in the bath tub, so the water has more force when it falls. When you first find that you have a stain ( and this applies to any stain), wash using the above method - but DO NOT dry in the dryer, hang it to dry instead. That will set the stain. If the stain is not removed, re wash following above directions. I am the assistant director of our Altar Guild at church. This is how we get red wine out of the finest of vestments.I drink a lot of coffee. I have now learned to drink from a straw as I swear I have a hole in my lip. Since switching to a straw, my clothes are not stained, my teeth are dazzling white (I used to sit for HOURS in the cleaning chair and now am out in 30 minutes), and my lipstick stays put! Good luck to you! Peggy

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