    Does anyone know why a limit has been put on vote-ups, and whether there is a way of increasing it so that it doesn't run out?

    I often answer questions, which takes up time when I could be working. That doesn't increase my vote-up figure so how am I supposed to vote up the good questions and answers by others, or thank people for useful answers to my own questions?

    +1  Views: 466 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    I notice asking this question made no difference to the number of times left when I may vote up either.

    3 Answers

    I keep an eye on the Karma thing, but I'm not trying to get points, just interested to see what feedback I get from you guys.

    I agree karma is regarded as far too important, as in having lots of it. I wanted to know if my ability to vote up would run out. If it did, how could I thank people for a good answer? I certainly couldn't have run the "If you had three wishes" question with TU promised for clever answers JUST FOR FUN with a limit, and that WAS fun, judging by the number of entries, & why not have fun sometimes?

    Frankly I think leeroy's karma is impossible by fair means when you think of the number of questions Colleen used to answer. Lots of them were from people with nil karma. She must have known the chances of thanks, never mind a vote up, was unlikely.

    If leeroy wants to defend that statement he is very welcome because his score never has made any sense to me. if he doesn't spot this reasonably quickly I will post it as a question. I'm not into making veiled accusations and not giving people the chance to defend themselves.
    ed shank

    If karma was a prize, say a new corvette I'd be on this site like "white on rice", but it's fun to see the diversity of people in the world, so lets not take this too serious. There will always be antagonists and I say let them voice an opinion, if it's not to your liking, they can F**k off. Simple.
    It looks like you get new ones each day

    Sorry... I intended this to be a comment for you... but maybe others will be interested.

    I asked because when I logged in on Sunday or early on Monday, I didn't notice a limit existed. Today it does.

    If it's judged on karma... you may be able to tell from comparing my limit to yours... (mine is 63 today) it gives people with high karma a lot of power. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

    Thanks ninnet

    I asked because when I logged in Sunday or early on Monday, I didn't notice a limit existed. Today it does.

    If it's judged on karma it gives people with high karma a lot of power. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

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