    Do extraterrestrial beings exist? UFOs

    There is a new book out on Area 51 that has prompted me to ask this question. I did not read it and have little interest, but I am curious as to what others believe.

    0  Views: 758 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    @Kelozin, do a search at the top of the page using U.F.O. and check out the eyewitness accounts that people, including myself have posted on that question.

    I know there's something and with the vastness of our Universe, it's very probable that there is life on other planets. It's logical to assume that life does exist out there somewhere.
    @christopher: Your ignorant answer isn't needed here.

     We have seen and heard more "shock horror" than you can dream of in your infantile mind. To the question, I agree with ole hipster (how are you by the way?) I can`t see why with all the galaxcies we are the only place colonised.

    Ever get a good look at PATRICK EWING?
    So far...only in the movies...nothing has been truly documented and proven to be true regarding your question...I suppose there is always a possibility...seems a little strange that the only planet that thus far has beings is Earth...doesn't it??
    It is hard to believe they don't exist. To think we are the only planet with life, is pea brain thinking.

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