    Is there a non-toxic way to get rid of ants on my home?

    I have children and pets. The ants are coming in from the floor.

    0  Views: 4380 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    this will not kill ants but sprinkling of talcum powder at point of entry will stop them ,of course they will find another entry point do the same again and again. in summer i put the powder around the dog's bowl to keep them out. i don't know why it woks but it does.
    this will not kill ants but sprinkling of talcum powder at point of entry will stop them ,of course they will find another entry point do the same again and again. in summer i put the powder around the dog's bowl to keep them out. i don't know why it woks but it does.
    Believe it or not, just plain old powdered non-dairy coffee creamer attracts and kills ants. I read about it a long time ago, and tried it out of curiousity, and it actually works. The reason for this according to the article, is that coffee creamer contains tiny crystaline particles that destroys their digestive systems. I myself, don't factually know why, as I am just going by what the article stated as for the reason it works. But, for whatever reason, it actually does kill ants. I don't know about all brands of coffee creamer, but Coffee-Mate is one that I know from experience works.

    I am a ga girl so I have grits in the pantry.... If it does not work I am off to buy some coffee mate. Thank you.
    Hire an anteater...

    or try this

    Non-Toxic Ant Killer Recipe

    1 – 72 ounce box of instant grits per acre

    That is all that is needed to eliminate or control an ant problem. It does not kill on contact or instantly like the traditional ant killers, because grits are not toxic or poisonous. Usually within the first twenty-four hours a noticeable difference can be seen and approaching forty-eight hours the ant colony should be completely destroyed.

    Application Instructions
    First, walk the lawn or area where you are having an ant problem and flag every ant dirt mound that are found using either flags, paint or sticks. Last, Pour generous portion of instant grits around each ant dirt mound and do not disturb the area. It is that simple.

    Do not dampen or wet the instant grits before or after the application. Use this technique only on clear sunny days, because it is very important to keep the instant grits dry before and after use or application.

    The ants die from the inside out, because the grit when eaten mixes with the ant’s digestive juices and expands inside the ant’s stomach that eventually kills the ant.

    Wow... This sounds great... I will let you know if it work.. .THANK YOU!

    I hope it helps!

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