    How do i get rid of my man? he dont love me anyway and he still stays when I say go.??

    I love my man but he dont love me, but he still stays! What do I do??

    0  Views: 817 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    I know its sounds weird but he wont talk to me or even try to make our relationship better, I love him but he is making me not love him. Im so confused, my heart hurts everyday over this. I cant live like this anymore. He acts heartless.. I will take any opinion, YES Im desperate for answsers...

    11 Answers

    P.S. And trust me honey - LIFE DOE'S GO ON!
    It's all about money & property.Ask him what he wants to piss off.It might be cheaper than you think!
    Unless you are living in a house with him that is owned by you or you and him jointly tell him to "bugger off and don`t come back, if you do I will take out a restraining order" If you do not live in said house you go somewher else and don`t tell him. Life will go on and trust me you don`t love him deeply enough to put up with his s..t. One door closes another opens.
    change the locks when he's out. Get a court order to keep him away . Get a big dog. Get a burgler alarm. Don't take his phone calls, or texts, or letters. Be careful when you come out of work. Walk out to your car with someone else
    Maybe he's on a good wicket, free sex, cooking, ironing and cleaning done free too. Why would he leave?
    hey,mycatsmom,why did you vote down my answer,i was only kidding,and i did give a serious answer also,which i believe included a complement,what is your problem?
    seriously,maybe you should find some one that loves you ,sounds like he doesn't deserve you anyway...
    CHANGE the lock and a second,
    Make sure you get a good locksmith

    this is assuming you are not married

    other wise go find an attorney, in family practice
    and she will , give you options
    Forget him!!! Love is an emotion that has you all wrapped in WHAT COULD have been. Thats gone, now you know WHAT it is. Kick your emotions about him to the curb. And move out and on. GOOD LUCK

    PS Search for another one in better place, but wait a while.
    write a country and western song!

    I think there is already one made. LOL..
    or you could just shoot

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