    We were under a two year contract with Alltel for cell phone service. We never ever missed one payment or were even late ,making our payments.One week before the contract was up, my husband ported his cell number over to another phone, and for this they added an extra $200.00 to our final bill. I have refused to pay the additional fee for the last seven months. They have turned me into collections. Can someone tell me if I definitely must pay this amount ?

    0  Views: 215 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Make sure you take care of this AT&T did the same thing to me 5 years ago, and now they are trying to collect several hundreds of dollars because they have added interest and collection fees.

    If you ignore it, then it will grow until the amount is large enough for them to take you to court, and believe me they will.
    Why did he change the carrier one week before contract expiration? It doesn't make sense. He should had done that after. You were on the contract. I think you should pay.
    Call your state's attorney and have them look into this asap... Alltel was such jerks when I had them and they only left me alone once I contacted my state's attroney's office...

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