    What book has been subject to such a mass attack as the Bible?

    No other book has been so chopped, knived, sifted, scrutinized, and vilified. What book on philosophy or religion or psychology or belles lettres of classical or modern times has been subject to such a mass attack as the Bible? with such venom and skepticism? with such thoroughness and erudition? Upon every chapter, line and tenet?

    +5  Views: 1140 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    Very well stated!


    No other book has been shoved into people's faces, jammed down their throats and used to beat them over the heads with either. No wonder it's under attack so much.
    Too many verses are taken out of context and used to keep freedoms away from others. Once the bible was used in the court of law to keep black people slaves and then again to keep their rights from them when they were freed. No wonder it get's scrutinized. People love to guess what it means then use it against others. How many times do we see it here when it comes to civil rights of those the bible frowns apon....."the bible says"...and that is all some feel is necessary to keep rights away from others. No wonder the bible is looked apon as a weapon of hate. The believers have marred that book through their own selfish actions. Blame them.
    Headless Man

    True, the bible has been used out of context against people, which is more reason to read it so you know the right context, and you can bet your life on that.

    Hogwash Randy. I'm betting I've read your bible as much as you have if not more than you have. It put's itself out of context from the hatch job they've done on it over the centuries. Put this in, take that out, change a word so it reads just a little differently and for god's sake...make sure the word homosexual gets put in there so everyone can be clear that that's what S&G was all about!! That should settle the debate! Love it. A word that didn't get created until the 1860 is now in a book that the believers claim has been unchanged since it was first pieced together and called bible. They should have called it kool aid. By the way, how do you know what the "right context" is? The bible is a book of interpretation. Yours is not going to be the same as the next guys. Remember the claim, "the bible speaks to each person differently". Who's to say that those who use it as a weapon aren't the ones who get it as it was meant to be? Maybe you're wrong and they are right. No man is an authority over it Randy. You're just guessing like the rest of them are.
    Headless Man

    True, the Bible can speak to you differently depending on what your going through at the time, thats why it's called the living Bible. You read it with an attitude that because of your homosexually it was wrong. Each translation uses different words to make it understandable to different people, I use the NIV as it stays close to the original as possible.

    "New International Version"

    New means it's been rewritten. If the bible is the word of God, then no man has the right to change or add words to it. All should understand the word of God without adding words to make it "easier" for them to understand. What you wrote is an excuse for others to keep changing the bible to fit new agendas that are not based in God's truths but in man's desires to control.

    From your book ""Male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders" even your book shows change by using a word from the 1860's. It does not follow the original writings. It also promotes prejudice by including the word homosexual. God has nothing against the homosexuals no matter what your made up book says.
    Headless Man

    The NIV is the world’s leading contemporary English Bible translation. It’s easy to understand yet rich with the detail of the original scriptures.

    You are brought closer to the first experience of the Bible through the NIV. When the Bible was heard and read in its own time, its message was both clear and accurate.

    The NIV reunites these two features for those wanting a similar experience today. Time has passed, and language and culture have changed, but the NIV brings you close to the Bible once again. It’s easier to understand yet rich with the detail of the original scriptures. (

    No words have been added only translated for us that don't read Hebrew or Greek.

    You can say that but you do not know what the original said. You just go by what's been told you. The written word is never to be trusted completely. Truth and God resides within you, not in a book. The bible is not God's word or IT's truths. It was written by men, not God. God does not write books for a reason. Someday you may be spiritually adept enough to understand why. Happy New Year :)
    Headless Man

    Happy New year to you too, hope this coming year is good for you and your right God does reside in me through his son Jesus Christ.

    10 Answers

    it seems to backfire the more they attack and try to disprove the bible, the more evident of its truth! the bible is infalable... the inspired word of god.
    "Voltaire, the noted French infidel who died in 1778, said that in one hundred years from his time Christianity would be swept from existence and passed into history. But what has happened? Voltaire has passed into history, while the circulation of the Bible continues to increase in almost all parts of the world, carrying blessing wherever it goes.
    the bible will continue to exist while evangelist's make big money preaching from it.
    bobcat60, I don't think so, have you ever heard as much outrage to the burning of the bible as the Koran.
    The Bible has withstood vicious attacks of its enemies as no other book. Many have tried to burn it, ban it and "outlaw it from the days of Roman emperors to present-day Communist-dominated countries".
    As far as hated goes...Mein Kampf is right up there
    Headless Man

    Maybe, but people saw that it was hateful, not comparable to the Bible that teaches love.

    exactly my thoughts ole hipster
    Concerning the boast of Voltaire on the extinction of Christianity and the Bible in 100 years, Geisler and Nix point out that "only fifty years after his death the Geneva Bible Society used his press and house to produce stacks of Bibles".
    I'm not sure that the bible has been "attacked" as you say. Its contents have been questioned by many,no doubt,but criticism should not be interpreted as an attack.

    To your question, I can think of one book that has generated genuine attack both in content and to its author. That book is Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Versus". You may recall that a fatwa was issued on him by the Ayatollah Khomeini.
    ed shank

    To question is good, to follow blindly is not.
    Headless Man

    I don't think so, have you ever heard as much outrage to the burning of the bible as the Koran.

    None.  How odd this question should resurface after 7 months.  Tonight I watched nearly 3 hours of "Bible Mysteries Solved".  At first I thought the scientists were trying to disprove the Bible, but apparently they were validating the accounts of the Bible scientifically.  For example, the ten plagues the Romans suffered through  can be logically explained.  That's just for starters.......................


    Odd that it should resurface? You dug it out of the moth balls. Last comment before yours was made 7 months ago.
    Oh wait, I mean...IT'S A MIRACLE!! LOL

    It was one on the right side of my screen, cycling through like all the rest of them do. I don't go looking for these questions. Be as cynical as you wish, Colleen, but don't suggest that I am lying.

    : ) Have a great New Year.

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