    If a woman dyes her hair blonde before she gets pregnant will her baby have blonde hair?

    I've seen many woman with brown hair, dye it and then their baby ends up having blonde hair.

    +3  Views: 1797 Answers: 24 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: hair

    I had to vote this question up, it's made me laugh a few times.

    24 Answers

    Nope! It only pertains to her hair. Not genetics. Throughout her pregnancy, her hair will grow out the color. none of which will be passed on to the unborn. Only that which comes natural shall be given the child.

    your sister,
    Must be. My wife shaved herself bald before delivering and guess what?
    I have this theory, that blond hair or dyed blond hair refracts a certain invisible color in the spectrum of light similar to U.V. rays, this invisible ray once captured by the special color of blond, will actually drain the intelligence out of the head of someone with blond hair.

    What do you think?

    Well I'm a natural blue eyed blonde Leeroy.So,yes,that makes sense to me.
    Oh yeah. Sure. By the way, would you like to buy a bridge? I'm selling the one in Brooklyn real cheap. I promise I'll give you a good deal on it. Interested?

    Too late Ms.S. I threw that one in on the Sydney harbour deal I did last month.LOL.
    If a woman goes to a party disguised as a fairy and gets pregnant at that party, will her baby be a fairy, too?

    i think that was a lovely answer, papitou. that's why we see so many fairys flying around the maternity floor in july. : )

    It would be nice somehow, wouldn't it?
    ilove your blonde hair , but why did you dye your roots black
    PLease tell me this is not a serious question... HAir changes ccolor through out you life... from blonde to brown... brown to black... brown to auburn.. It is natual... NO dyeing your hair does nothing to the childs hair... HOWEVER... check with your doctor, some dyes are not safe to use when you are preg.

    My hair went from brown to gray to mostly bald.

    Nice.. Mine when from white blonde to ash blonde to red to grey.... lol and back to red, with a little help.
    Ms Sinclair

    Flip & Jenn-Lol
    Ms Sinclair

    Ha ha ha. I almost said that but I didn't want to offend any other blondes out there who might have a brain.
    Oh my word. I think you may be too dumb to be thinking about producing children.

    o.k. sorry I see you've been here since may, just haven't been that active. Thumbs up on your answer.

    Ive been here for over a year but I forgot my old password.

    ABSOLUTELY!!!   Why don't you get your teeth capped & a little botox as well & give the kid a fighting chance?

    still,laughing my ass off,(lmao)

    You have me lmao, lol Thanks!
    I'm not sure about the color but I can tell you for a fact that the older you get the lazier your hair gets. with the receding hair line, Mine doesn't like to grow all the way to the top anymore. but I do have it coming out my nose and ears now...

    Of course !!  also the baby will have blue shining eyes. LOL

    You must be blonde!!!

    schubee - I may be blonde - but not THAT blonde - the name might be dopey but not that dopey.
    Blond hair is not a dye job if person has dark hair. It's a bleach job. If she's a honey blond, the hair is light already and she was probably a blond as a kid.That is easier than the full bleach job. Babies with blond hair is a result of either or both parents having blond hair genes when they were born.

    maybe they die the babies hair also

    That's right. I remember seeing Adolf Hitler's father with one!

    I was wondering...if SOMEONE'S mother took stupid pills before conceiving, would the child be born stupid?

    No, but if a black woman does this, the baby will have an afro. That aside, I put a lot of money in my wife's pocket before she got pregnant. After she got pregnant, I removed it. Guess what...the baby was born with  a wad of cash in his hand!

    The color of your babies hair, eye color, etc is genetics not in a bottle of bleach.

    If the father has a moustache will the baby have one also

    Maybe, if the impregnator has blond hair...

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