Mormonism is not sound Christian doctrine. Mormons believe they can become Gods themselves. They believe that when they die, they go with their wife as a new Adam and Eve to other planets to populate them. That is why they go through a ceremony in their temples to be sealed as couples for eternity. This is why they don't have normal weddings like other people. After coming back from the temple ceremony they will have a reception. Also, they believe Satan and Jesus are brothers. They exalt Joseph Smith instead of Jesus. They do not believe in the Trinity. They believe there are more gods than One. These are just a few major points about their unsound doctrine. It is a very twisted religion
5 Answers
Wow. i cannot believe how wrong you are. Try researching your stuff before you tell people lies. Okay. Mormons do NOT believe that "when they die, they go with their wife as a new Adam and Eve to other planets and populate them." That is a bunch of crap. Yes, they get married in the temple so they can be sealed as couples for eternity, but thats because they want to be married for forever, even after they die, and not "til death do you part" and they do not always have a reception after the temple. That is just so people can go congratulate them, because not everyone can be inside the temple to see them get married. Some Mormons don't have receptions. And yes, they believe Satan and Jesus are brothers, because they believe that we are ALL children of God. ALL of us. And they most definitly do NOT exalt Joseph Smith instead of Jesus. Did you know the real name of the Mormon church is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints. JESUS CHRIST. all of the teachings are based around Jesus Christ and his life and his atonement, and living with him again. And they DO NOT believe there are more gods than one. They believe in the Godhead which is, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit. and I am not positive but I think that is what the trinity is? except the trinity is the belief that they are all the same being? I cannot believe you would write this and make people believe these lies... you said those "are just a few major points of their unsound doctrine" well, you're right about one thing, that is unsound doctrine, but Mormons do not believe that.
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |