11 Answers
I was restoring one side of a duplex that had been vacant for years, but was being used as a crack house for sometime. After the property was locked up and the broken windows boarded over, I pulled up with a friend who was helping me work. We both saw someone inside and went in to find out who it was inside. Once inside we proceeded to look for this "person", but to our dismay found no one.
The next day we returned to the property, once again we saw the same person through the front window inside the house. So my friend ran around to the back door while I unlocked and opened the front door. I walked through the house, looking in all the rooms to make sure no one was hiding inside, I unlocked the backdoor and asked my friend if he saw anyone running out and he told no.
Well, needless to say this was disturbing! I couldn't understand who this person was and how he was getting in and out of the house. So here's where it gets weird. Later that night I was working in a bedroom, for some reason I looked through the cracked door and saw my friend standing at the kitchen sink, looking out the back window. Then I heard my truck door close and knew it wasn't my friend because he was in the kitchen. I ran outside to make sure no one was trying to steal my tools and there was my friend grabbing two more beers from the cooler.
I asked him how did you get from the kitchen to the truck in ten seconds and he said,"I wasn't in the kitchen, I saw you standing there at the sink looking out the back window." That freaked me the hell out and we sat outside describing this "person" that we both saw earlier. While describing the same exact guy detail by detail, height, hair color, clothing, etc.,and neither of us being at the kitchen sink, we decided it was time to call it quits for the night.
It was freaky, both of us had our hair standing straight up on the backs of our necks and goose bumps. I had the house anointed the next day and never saw the ghost or spirit again. Oh, by the way I only had two beers in case you were thinking,"Maybe someone had to much to drink?"
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I tried to shorten the story, but there were some other strange things that happened, I just kept rationalizing them in my head that it wasn't something unexplainable or supernatural.
I have been haunted my whole life. My children when they were little were haunted. I am Christian. i had my house annionted several years ago. we have not had any other "visits" that i know of. Really too many "incounters to tell.. you would get bored before you finished reading.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
It was not a house it was me... I have lived in many places all over the counrty. When I moved into my Granparents house( where my g mom died) things became physical. Before that I would be shades and a little girl in a blue dress... after I was in the family home things just got scary.
Wow. Maybe you should research who lived in that house before you and what happened there.
I may have many times but they are invisible so it could have been nano suit technology or from another world, not necessarily ghosts. I think the mind holds the power to tap in to other dimensions and we just don't know how to tap in to it, so maybe it's another dimension if we think we see something or just our own needs or fears and our subconscious mind makes it happen for us or to us to help us go on or grow ourselves? I hope someday we are aware enough to know.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Well i believe the human mind is more powerful than we can imagine,we surely do have the potential to tap into each other and the world around us.I reckon we have the potential to affect n influence the physical world and reality out with ourselves but we just dont know how ~ yet !
Seriously though...I live in a house that is over a hundred years old and I swear that I feel a "presence" sometimes but haven't seen a ghost
Yes, when I was eleven years old, about 23 years ago.I had been playing with a Ouija board for some time, one night I was asleep and turned over and when I opened my eyes there was a tall dark figure standing in front of my door,approx. a foot away,it had to be at least nearly seven feet tall,I screamed and ran out, I saw demons floating towards the ceiling for the remainder of that night.The next day I threw the board away and got on my knees and started praying, I haven't seen anything since,thank you Jesus, I was traumatized for years after that,it was at least four years that had passed before I could sleep with the lights off.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I have always been a very light sleeper,somebody else could come up with all sorts of explanations,but I know what I saw,I cant deny what was standing before me,it's just as vivid as yesterday.It was evil,that I know for sure,my mistake was allowing myself to be open,I know better now.It took pleasure in scaring me.
Are you sure that you weren't dreaming? Some dreams can be very vivid. Also, how do you know that what you saw were demons? That may have been your interpretation based on the way you were raised by your parents. They could, in fact, have been something else.
Oh i know the religious one's will love this but yes,well i've seen shadow people n had some blatant paranormal experiences.No it wasnt either around the time of waking or falling asleep but during the day while at work.But you don't believe in god i know someone will say but i'm not entirely convinced it had anything to do with the souls of the dead,theres no compelling reason to believe what i saw was a dead man.That it was an entity of a kind isnt in doubt but what kind who knows,,it may be a lifeform that lives in dimension that shares our space but at a higher frequency that we glimpse very very rarely.All i know are the things i've seen that i'm unable to explain n keeping an open mind about.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
But my mother was sure that what she saw was her dead sister. She's quite emphatic regarding this matter.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |