    If you are, or have been, an addict of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes want would be the worst thing someone could say to you?

    I just don't want to step on toes of someone I love and lose them!

    +2  Views: 949 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    As an ex alcoholic some people say,"now you have it under control you can have 1 or 2 beers can't you".??????..they simply do not understand..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    good luck

    Thanks, Daren1. So far she hasn't cut me off! Don't want to get to that point!
    I still have a problem associating cigarettes with drugs and alcohol. Cigarettes is not a mind altering drug making you do things you would not normally do if not smoking.

    I know, tobacco is also a drug but so is coca cola and asprin.

    True, Vinny. I'd be thrilled if all she did was stop the drugs and alcohol so that she could make a life before she is too far to come back! She is a real sweetie when she is clean and she is very capable...she could have a good life! That's what I want for her!

    Then she will need to me handled with kid gloves, you can't say "you need help!' this is derogatory and sets up a defense. these things must be handled so that they do not feel like they are being belittled or attacked, it must be their idea, their desire to wean away from it. Honestly, I don't know I am only basing my reply on when I have heard others say and have done. I do know that the worst time to address this is when the drugs/alcohol is in effect. I quit smoking several years ago because I was embarrassed by my boss when he said that one of my clients refused to do business with me because I smell like tobacco..all the begging by friends and family didn't work, patches, nothing worked. That did. I don't know what would work for your situation but there is an answer.. :) keep thinking and trying!!

    Thanks, Vinny! I'm sure that something will happen some time!
    Why don't you quit(Drinking and smoking). My friends have already been told years ago to mind their own F**king business. I will not smoke in my home for a particular friends sake who has severe emphysema. No he never smoked.

    Thanks, Ed. I will take this advice. I don't remember saying that, but it is possible!
    Ppl ask why did I ever start.... Well hell.. Because I wanted to die.. What a dumb question... That ship has already sailed. I have know idea why I started... just be prepared to put up with my bad attitude when I decide to quit..

    Drinking, snorting or smoking?

    Good luck there, Jenn! I do hope you have someone who loves you as much as I love my sister around when you do quit!

    LOL... I smoke... I dont drink or snort... I quit last year and started back up this year.. I had quit for 10 yrs... But I am kinda stupid sometimes.
    1.DRINK UP

    I will never say those things to her! But thanks for reminding me not to! :)
    The worst thingS: I don't know why you just don't quit!
    Don't you see what you are doing to yourself?

    Those who have never had an addiction just do not understand.

    The best thing to say: I love you too much to watch you kill yourself. Then do Tough Love, walk away from the situation and pray for them. I doubt if anyone has ever gotten into recovery with out the prayers of loved one.
    I have been there.

    Thanks so much Mmouse! I'm so glad you took the time to share from your experience! I try to tell her that I love her so much and that that is why I hate what she is doing to herself! She is a great girl, but is altering her brain's not what it used to be! :( I won't stop praying!!
    I smoke, people tell me I smell. I drink, people tell me I am a louse.

    Wow! I certainly haven't said that to her! So I guess I'm okay there! Your drinking doesn't likely run your life, though. Or does it?

    NO, HECK NO! Drinking doesn't run my life, but it sure almost ruined it! Thanks for caring.

    Sure glad it doesn't run your life and sure glad it hasn't ruined it! It's so sad when it does! I do care and thank you so much for caring about me and my sis enough to share your experience!

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