    Which Is Worse, Failing Or Never Trying?

    Never Trying is the worst in the world ... never giving it a chance.

    Failing shows that at least you have put in an effort to make something happen.

    +7  Views: 1099 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    Never Trying is the worst in the world ... never giving it a chance.

    Failing shows that at least you have put in an effort to make something happen.

    Never trying--

    "The turtle never gets anywhere unless he sticks his neck out." -James B. Compton
    i guess failing because its good that at least you tryed

    "Try again, fail again. Fail better."                      

     ~Samuel Beckett



    If you haven't tried your already a failure. Satisfaction comes from overcoming failure. Failure doesn't mean defeat, it means try again.
    Failing, that way it is proven you are a failure. The other way is never proven.
    Good question, thumbs to you and a few of the answers, it's one thing to know that trying is the best thing to do and you may fail. It's another thing to self motivate yourself to keep trying.

    I am excellent at motivating others, it becomes more difficult when I try to motivate myself. Just making a point, many of us may have the same problem.

    Always include yourself when doing for others. If it is good enough for you to give to others, it is also good enough to give to yourself :-)
    I would say never trying because how would you know if you can do something or if you can fail if you never try you have done nothing and I would think to do nothing is the worst thing of all......

    Without trying, nothing will come out, not to mention failure.  So trying is the first step.  Never trying is tantamount to failure.

    Never failing to try?
    Right! We may fail, but we can also try again! "If at first you don't succeed try, try again!"
    Never trying. If you never try you will never know if you can or can't. If you try you may find that you can! Otherwise you will always think you can't. No fun in feeling like a failure! However, if you fail that doesn't make you a just need to practise or try again or try something else!

    I see what you mean...nothing beats a failure but a try :-)

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