    Why will liberals never have their own Rush Limbaugh?

    In my observations, and generally speaking, conservatives will question a liberal, while liberals will question everyone. This is even more generally true, in my observations, of females, they are more likely to follow a conservative/question a liberal if they are conservative; but a little less likely to question conservatives as well as liberals, if they are liberal.

    0  Views: 2513 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    Certainly does Gary, assuming you too are already brainwashed with this one sided information.. It really depends where you stand on issues, I personally think the 'Ed Show' is a lot of hot 'liberal' air (and insulting but of course, it is your right to believe what you want to believe, of course if you here what you want to hear, then obviously, it must be right! Your term 'exposes' is a very strong term when all he is doing is justifying his point of view with spin tactics.. But, its what you want to hear so Mr. Ed is god! :)

    BTW: I don't like the Fox news people either!!


    Certainly does Gary, assuming you too are already brainwashed with this one sided information.. It really depends where you stand on issues, I personally think the 'Ed Show' is a lot of hot 'liberal' air (and insulting but of course, it is your right to believe what you want to believe, of course if you hear what you want to hear, then obviously, it must be correct! Your term 'exposes' is a very strong term when all he is doing is justifying his point of view with spin tactics.. But, its what you want to hear so Mr. Ed is god! :)

    BTW: I don't like the Fox news people either!!


    If you have cable/satellite TV and get MSNBC you can watch "The Ed Show". He exposes the right wing for what it is. Liars and cheats. They lie to the public and cheat the everyday person whenever they can.


    List three examples of these lies, please.

    I want to think about them.

    6 Answers


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    Rush Limbaugh is not a network, he is an entertainer.


    No sh*t, I was being sarcastic.

    they have dozens of them on all the major networks

    Because, they are too smart to be taken in by a doofus like that. Any group of people that refers to themselves as ditto head, well, nuf said.

    The major networks seem to have their orders. What any major network may have as their motive or agenda I'm not sure. I watch everything from Fox to Al Jazeera and I don't know of anyone who would be considered the Rush Limbaugh of the liberals. One problem with that conclusion is that Rush is not an investigative journalist, he is an entertainer, although he is treated as more than a responsible, respectable journalist. Furthermore, there are a number of conservative "entertainers" who could fill his chair/shoes should he retire today. Yet among the liberal media, there is nothing comparable. Those who are considered liberal "entertainers" are not taken too serious, never have been that I know of.

    Mitchell, get a grip. Rush is a major joke. He is a self-made entertainer who makes it on uneducated fools who are looking for a hero.


    What makes you think I disagree with you? Did you even read my comments?


    Just like a liberal, questioning everyone... Without paying attention, a lot of the time!


    Sorry Mitchell, I did misread the first time. The mere mention of the man's name raises my BP.


    Spoken like a true liberal.. I guess I am an uneducated fool-- Good god, you're the one that need to get a grip, calling people fools and uneducated because they don't agree with your liberal thinking is pure nonsense.


    I refer to him as "LUSH BIMBO".

    Rush will say anything to stir up controversy. He doesn't care whether it is true or not. He makes millions exploiting the gullible and spreads propaganda as though it were gospel, creating a vast mass of polarized listeners who take his bombastic form of entertainment as the truth. Progressive talk show hosts such as Thom Hartman, are extremely knowledgable and do their best to research every issue to impart a truthful and intelligent perspective. Big difference!

    It is easier to spread and get people to believe, lies than it is to get them to do the mental work to actually use facts to understand issues. It is easier to create chaos than it is to create order. It is easier to blow up a building than to design and construct one.


    RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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