5 Answers
We become bored when we go through the same routine day after day. Change up your routine, take a walk, buy an adult colouring book and start colouring, volunteer at a food program such as Meals for the Elderly or a summer school lunch program. Clean your house from top to bottom, start with the ceiling, clean the walls next and then the baseboards and everything in between. Pull your weeds, plant a garden, trim your trees and shrubs. Go camping, you don't have to plan something elaborate, but spending a night out underneath the stars can be very relaxing and will give you a lot of time to think about why your life has become so boring. You may awaken with a whole new perspective on life.
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

Try this out, it might make a difference...http://www.allthetests.com/quiz21/quiz/1157308084/Are-You-Bored-This-Quiz-Will-Tell-You-How-Bored-You-Really-Are
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |