    If you had the power to kill criminals by writing their names in a notebook, would you?

    +6  Views: 1607 Answers: 20 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: death note

    20 Answers

    I think it would depend on the crime. What may be a crime to one person may not be to another.In some societies it has been considered a crime to be of the "wrong" race, religion, etc. I mean where does one draw the line? If you mean a criminal is someone who, by general consensus, is considered to have committed evil acts, then I might. Would I kill a Hitler or someone who brutalized members of my own family? Probably. But one has to realize that there will, most likely, be consequences for such actions.
    To all those who responded "YES".Would you REALLY? being responsible for another human being's loss of life regardless of the circumstances (criminal or not)Causes some powerful emotions in people.7 out of 10 people are NOT capable of it & of those that are many will suffer emotional problems because of it.
    This question is all about fantasy of course,but killing people is something that should not be talked about lightly.
    Wow.. interesting question, my first response was yes, but now I'm thinking no. Certainly some deserve it and probably the world would be a better place, but I don't think it is my place to decide who should live and who should die.
    Depends on the crime.. I have no problem...
    yes most definitely then, I would burn it.
    Depends on the crime.

    I was with this guy (many years ago) We walked through the grocery store. Very casually, he took a leg of lamb and put it under his coat and out the door we went. He dropped me off at my house and the very first thing I did was to write his name in my notebook. He was, after all, a criminal. Oh, the troubles I caused with that notebook.

    Ok ... I don't think the notebook is a good idea but it could set some of us to fantasies of dirty deeds done for sheep (stealing)

    Well if you had a brain would you use that?
    of course I would. Imagine that your child or partner was abducted, abused and left either dead or with serious physical and or mental damage. If you knew who the perp was don't anyone tell me that you wouldn't.
    To all those who responded "YES".Would you REALLY? being responsible for another human being's loss of life regardless of the circumstances (criminal or not)Causes some powerful emotions in people.7 out of 10 people are NOT capable of it & of those that are many will suffer emotional problems because of it.
    This question is all about fantasy of course,but killing people is something that should not be talked about lightly.
    To all those who responded "YES".Would you REALLY? being responsible for another human being's loss of life regardless of the circumstances (criminal or not)Causes some powerful emotions in people.7 out of 10 people are NOT capable of it & of those that are many will suffer emotional problems because of it.
    This question is all about fantasy of course,but killing people is something that should not be talked about lightly.
    To all those who responded "YES".Would you REALLY? being responsible for another human being's loss of life regardless of the circumstances (criminal or not)Causes some powerful emotions in people.7 out of 10 people are NOT capable of it & of those that are many will suffer emotional problems because of it.
    This question is all about fantasy of course,but killing people is something that should not be talked about lightly.

    If I had all of the imformation, If it was a horrible crime, especially like the molestation and killing of a child, Yes. There would have to be overwhelming evidense to do it though.


    It really does depend on the circumstances and how much evidence there is against the criminal. Our prison system is overcrowded, maybe it would help relieve some of the crowding?

    Killing is to quick for some of these people who commit shocking crimes.Keep them on death row and let them shake and shudder and live in fear day to day.Let them play the waiting game,until it is their turn for death.
    yep no quarms at all
    only if i knew the true nature of their crime

    NO.    However, if you could erase the name and take back the sentence (I mean, if we are going to fantasize, let's just go for it) MAYBE.

    too right i would!!!!for serious crimes that is.Id also bring back capital punishment tommorow if i could

    That was a good series. I think it was called "Death Note". A japanese series that contained an evil spirit calledb a shinigami. Very interesting series! Wasn't too fond of the last movies in that series.

    No, I would not do it! There is a reckoning for those that do evil; which I need not partake. The only thing it would do is corrupt the mind of him who thinks he knows who is deserving of death.

    Let God sort them out! He knows the heart of them, and of them who deserve forgiveness. Remember Nineveh?!!!

    Your Sister,

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