    Is Earthquakes Linked To Climate Change?

    +2  Views: 1968 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    It just seems implausible that warming seas and a warming atmosphere, the drivers of climate change, would have any effect on the slow process of plate tectonics, in which one plate shifts under or over another, occasionally producing the large earthquakes such as those that devastated the peoples of Indonesia, New Zealand, South America, and Japan to name but a few recent events.

    However, scientists have for the first time released a study that indicates that man made changes to our climate are also quite probably effecting the movement of tectonic plates around the globe as well. The implications of their research are far ranging as well as frightening:

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    How come you people don't say 'Global Warming' anymore???

    because the evidence of it was proven baseless

    Oh.... :)
    i think our planet is 6000 years old we have keeping scietific records for acouple of hundred years thats like wathing aguy knock a home run in the first inning and leaving the game and declaring a winner.i think our climate is changing constantly.some scientist got a lot of grant money to study climate change and published weak papers to keep up the cash flow

    What I been saying all along! There's so much cash flow in this green movement it really surprises me that people of such high intelligence that follow this don't actually see it. I honestly think its 'peer pressure'.. Afraid of going against the flow and being outcast.. meanwhile, the cash flows..
    "...quite probably effecting the movement of tectonic plates around the globe as well. The implications of their research are far ranging as well as frightening"

    All conjecture still. Nothing based in fact.
    Man has nothing to do with it. It's all in GOD's hands.
    Man has nothing to do with it. It's all in GOD's hands.
    Indirectly. The recent major volcano eruptions have spewed tons of molten rock from the beneath the crust, which has caused the molten rock beneath the surface to move to fill in the gaps, and thereby causing plate shift. Of course, the volcanoes also spew tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, causing climate change, and there is the indirect link.
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