    I am so sick or my boss she wants to be friends and I just want a working relationship and she will not SHUT up she talks about our boss and stuff that is going on at work that I do not care about. How do I tell her I do not care and shut up about it. She is the type that if you do not agree with her she gets upset.

    i have worked with my boss ( I say that lightly because she is my boss but she wants to act like a friend she goes to the gym with me ( I rather go by myself) she buys me things ( I wish she wouldnt) she is in my personal life all the time ( she always ask me stupid personal questions about my family) she constantly talks about our boss and how he is no better than us but he acts like he is. I DO NOT CARE what he thinks and I am sick of her talking about it how do I tell her to stop I DO NOT CARE I just want to work PERIOD>

    +1  Views: 651 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    she might just be lonely,and possibly a GOOD friend, everybody needs friends,but GOOD friends are honest with one another. you should (in a nice way) tell her how you feel, if she takes offence then she really isnt that "good" of a friend as she makes herself out to be.then she will at least get your honest opinion and act accordingly in the future...good luck!
    Why not just tell her your life is busy as it is

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