    When I prey...what I say in answer to this...

    Obviously prayer is important because you are interacting with your higher power. What do you say?

    +6  Views: 1669 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    Jesus taught us how to pray . Read the scripture in the Bible where Jesus teaches us the Lord's Prayer. Maybe someone here could tell you which book and verse # it is

    10 Answers

    Whatever is in your heart.

    I believe in saying thank You and may Your will be done....

    I give thanks for the many blessings that are always being given to me.
    Anything you wish. That being hears and sees all.
    Prayer is often following some sort of form....

    "Father, I offer this day and this night to you for your Holy Purpose and for our Holy relationship amen."

    I often think , "it is my will that Your will be done, Amen" .
    My prayers are usually quite simple and direct. I don't prey for things...ok it was a Teddy Bear and the dog ate it.
    There are several different types of prayers:

    The primary categories that seem to make the most sense for us are these:

    * Praise and worship
    * Thanksgiving
    * Confession
    * Supplication or requests
    * Meditative/Contemplative

    Every prayer we’ve ever seen or heard falls into one of these five categories. Keep in mind, however, this list is not Biblically ordained or especially anointed. It’s not meant to be the final word in rigid classifications. It’s just a guideline to help you with your prayer life. If you find that more—or fewer—categories work best for you, then that’s what you should use. The focus should be on the prayer, not what to call it. But, I just wanted to give you an example of the different types, you can tell God anything at anytime, or all the time. Hope this helps

    My prayers always include thanks for the countless blessings and advantages I have enjoyed my entire life and that my sons and their families be safe and healthy.  They also acknowledge that God's will, not mine, be done.  The rest of my prayers is confidential. 

    This is some of my daily prayer: “I do wonderful work for God today, and God sees to my needs in every way.” I ask God To send me the blessings He has for me today. I receive the blessings God has for me today.

    I would prefer to let my spirit do the praying,therefore making it a pure prayer as my spirit knows what i need and want,,and praise to God..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    excuse me i was sleeping when you called, grasshopper. 


    Nice to know there are no excuses, just the facts.

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