    how do you check your bed for bed bugs?

    0  Views: 361 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    How to Check for and Treat Bed Bugs -
    things you'll need:

    * Flashlight for inspecting dark areas

    * 1

    Do not immediately assume that bed bugs are the culprit of a bite you received in the night. Bed bug bites are similar in appearance to those of other blood-sucking insects. Check any luggage you may have used recently, as bed bugs are commonly transported from one location to another during travels. (See References 1, 3 and 4)
    * 2

    Completely dismantle your bed and inspect your sheets and folds, crevices, linings and all sides of your mattress. Do not leave any crevice uninspected. Because bed bugs are so small and have flat bodies, they can easily hide in tight spaces. Look for stains from bed bug droppings on your mattress. Bed bugs have a tendency of living communally and will often leave fecal evidence. (See References 2 and 4)
    * 3

    Check in the corners of walls, in shoeboxes and any dark, secluded spaces inside your home. Generally bed bugs will choose a location not far from their feed, but they can easily spread throughout the entire house. (See References 4)
    * 4

    Get rid of them immediately. Wash all bedding and clothing thought to be infected with hot water and detergent (no less than 120 degrees F.). Put other household items such as backpacks, luggage and toys into a dryer at medium-high heat for approximately 20 minutes.
    * 5

    Employ the help of experienced pest control professionals, who will have a better understanding of where to look and how best to relieve your bed bug infestation.

    Read more: How to Spot Bed Bugs |

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