    Nude at home

    Sometimes I would like to sunbathe nude. Or go outside nearly nude but I am shy. How do I rethink this? Is it legal in your own back yard and in private?

    -1  Views: 2250 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    If it's a truly private place, don't want to scare, educate, or excite anyone.
    Never understood nudism. What is about being naked outside? I can't imagine myself walking on beach with my business banging against my legs for the world to see. Explain.

    LMAO...Great vision ed shank...I am still laughing:)
    ole hipster bangs against your legs?? What a guy, what a guy! All kidding aside...people generally are most comfortable when clothed...if it was'nt something that was drilled into your head as a child I say go for it just don't get caught..indecent exposure charges suck I'm sure...):
    Daughter came home unexpectedly a few days ago and found me "butt naked" in the kitchen. She turned away and shouted, "I didn't see anything Dad"! Really hurt my ego...
    It's too bad that in our society we are so body conscious. If you have a private back yard and there are no little kids that might be curious next door...take it off and enjoy the vitamin D.I wish we could be more like the Europeans and realize you have nothing more than any other woman...just different shapes and sizes...who cares really. As for men, once you seen a've pretty much seen them all. It is a body, not some contagious monster.

    From Canada...wooohooo;)
    I would think so but to be respectful to your neighbors who maybe offended I would recomend a taller fence perhaps as a gesture of non offensive good will.
    Now I am glad you only have a gravatar here...

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