    what kind of fairies, gnomes, trolls,or spirits steal money from you house?

    every time I leave my purse in the kitchen over night, money will be missing

    0  Views: 1343 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Neither. It is a two-legged Animal
    Maybe it's your husband.
    Put it in another room without money in it. Piss off the monsters stealing your loot.
    In Celtic Lore it is the fairy that steals things.
    Well BellaFox...if you live completely alone someone must have a key. Look at who else you are living with in the realm of the real world. I know it seems crappy to assume someone you trust might be doing this but it happens. In fact my son, a few years ago, came grocery shopping with me and watched my pin number as I punched it in. Later that night, while I was asleep, he stole my card and took out a few hundred dollars thinking it was never going to be noticed. My ex husband would offer to do my deposit for my business on Fridays, and would then after take out a hundred here and there. I didn't notice he was doing this until I left and my book keeper started to see issues with my books.I hated to think the ones I love ad trust the most were capable of stealing ...but my dear...we are all human...not fairies,gnomes,trolls, or spirits!
    Check with your siblings before blaming the poor gnomes, etc. of the world or sleep with your stuff that you treasure under your pillow...this too shall pass!

    if you live in the city i could be a troll or hobgoblins or a brownie they are fairies that are mischivous.

    celeste your blessings :)


    I think too it is a two-legged human that is stealing from your purse. Quit leaving your purse out.

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