15 Answers
Oh dear. Sounds like a boil to me. I get those horrible things. Either wait for it to come to a head (make sure you have plenty of tissues or a towel ready if you do) or go to the hospital or a doctor's office and have them lance it. Good luck. I can certainly sympathize.
Ms Sinclair
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
P.S.- I would suggest getting some oil of oregano (cut with olive oil, since it is VERY strong and put a dropper full under the tongue or in a glass of water twice daily. This has helped me. Don't buy it in a health food store though. It's much cheaper on line. I buy mine from iHerb.com. It's also available in extra strength capsule form which I also use when I have a really bad outbreak of them. Oil of oregano is good for many things btw. I haven't gotten a cold since I began using it (about 9 months ago) and I used to get one every winter or spring.
You Have a Tumor
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |

well, that's brief and to the point, not very nice though - but maybe fuingameover will hurry to the clinic.
Sounds like a possible carbuncle to me
a very common condition under the arms due to bacteria.
Go to any chemists and purchase a Kaolin treatment some are sold
in jars, or patches,it has to be applied hot to draw the inflamation to a head for when the carbuncle is ready to burst
to attempt to squeeze before it is ready only extends the pain and suffering.
a very common condition under the arms due to bacteria.
Go to any chemists and purchase a Kaolin treatment some are sold
in jars, or patches,it has to be applied hot to draw the inflamation to a head for when the carbuncle is ready to burst
to attempt to squeeze before it is ready only extends the pain and suffering.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
If you haven't already gone to the hospital for treatment, please don't. Instead go to a walk in clinic where the doctors are perfectly capable of lancing and treating a painful boil. The savings in costs to the taxpayers is tremendous when one uses a walk-in clinic instead of the Emergency Room. For comfort meanwhile use very warm compresses for 15 minutes at a time. This will soften the contents of the boil and provide temporary mild relief. This is only for comfort until you visit the Walk-In Clinic. You have a computer: do a google search for "walk in clinic" in your city. I hope you feel better soon. The sooner you get this drained and taken care of, the quicker your recovery will be, as there's infection within the boil which can move from the boil into the bloodstream, and this makes it a big deal.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
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