    How do i unlock my display screen on my ipodnano?

    0  Views: 388 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

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    1 Answer

    if you have forgotten the code, you can unlock the iPod by doing the following:

    Connect your iPod to the primary computer you use it with (the first one iPod synced with), and open iTunes. When you disconnect iPod from the computer, it will no longer be locked.
    If you can't unlock iPod using either [the code or connecting it to the computer you use to manage its songs]. . . you can restore your iPod to factory settings using iPod Updater. Please note that this will erase all data on your iPod. Afterwards, you can add your music and data back to your iPod.
    If you want to change the primary computer that your iPod is associated with, do this:
    1. Restore your iPod. Warning: The restore process cannot be undone. All of your songs and files will be deleted. Always make a backup of your important data.
    2. Connect your iPod to the computer that you want to be the primary computer.
    3. Open iTunes and synchronize.

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