    Goodness, am I the only one who's seen UFOs? Where are you all?

    +5  Views: 1653 Answers: 18 Posted: 13 years ago

    18 Answers

    i think i reported mine -- i'll just do it again. it was glowing blue and shaped like a football. it went slowly across the night sky. i couldn't tell the size because i didn't know if it was far or near. same with the speed. it looked to me like it was going slow. it was beautiful. i called the airport, the newspaper, the sherriff. nobody had an answer for me. it was like nothing i've ever seen before. who knows? i saw this about two years ago.

    you so lucky to see that!

    most of those sitings are close to an air force base

    Itsmee is about an hour from a naval air station.
    I saw six white lights, in uniform procession (three above three), across the night sky all traveling at the same speed. In an instant the middle ones on each departed into the opposite direction and were gone from sight faster than anything I've ever seen in the night sky. It was clear that these were not airplanes.

    Had two experiences with UFO's. After sharing my experiences with others, you could see they thought I was either full of shit or smokin shit.

    That's true. I have not told many people.

    All these answers and no one mentioned Art Bell and Coast to Coast ?????  www.coast to coast Late night talk show about UFOS Big foot  swamp monsters and chupacabras . Great fun on the art bell site look for the area 51 fly over . Very strange . I live in the land of Roswell home of UFOS So this is every day thing here . Eggplant please tell me if you find this site and if you enjoy .


    Roswell taught us that the government cannot enforce secrecy among civilians.

    I've been listening to Art Bell and George Noory for years.

    He's on at 10. Sometimes it's interesting, and sometimes I'm skeptical.

    I believe and I don't need proof. The odds of there being life outside of our own are just too great and if they are smart enough to get here then they are smart enough not to be noticed,,,, So what if one of them messes up and is seen by a few of us........I believe they are here and are blending in..... I'm trying not to sound like a loon, I think I just want to sound pragmatic....

    Ok. I was told the junk on our living room table was from a UFO. It was really odd and some of it had odd writing on it that looked like rather old symbols.That came from the Roswell crash site I couldn't talk about it or the Gee Men would have to kill me and my whole family. I was a child at the time and I would have believed anything. A few months later the earth was invaded by aliens on the radio. I thought H.G.Wells was the name of the radio announcer. I was sent to bed before the end of the story and didn't know what a hoax was for weeks after it all blew over.

    Well, there are the 'men in black'. No one knows from where they come from.

    Men in Black was a spoof on Magic 12( Now you see it, now you don't). Magic 12 was a group of grizzle old guys who specialized in blood curdling intimidation to suppress the dissemination of facts that Werner Von Brawn considered worthy of oppression....disbanded in the 1950s but apparently still active under other titles. The oppression of truth for vile purposes and convenient motives continues.
    REPOST From leeroy's thread on ufos....

    Many years ago I was washing my car, a 'golden reflection' caught my eye, it was about the size of a dime held at arms length. It was due east at about 30 degrees above the horizon at around 6pm. I saw this golden object stationary for just a few seconds (glittering) then it moved from east to almost true north in a second. It was an amazing sight! I think whatever it was the golden hue was actually a reflection of the sun settling in the west which obviously means whatever it was had a highly reflective surface. There was no sound.

    In 1975 my g/f and I was traveling through Mississippi, we saw TWO SUNS one next to the other, we heard the local news talking about it as well on the radio, many people were calling into the station wanting answers, it was stationary and lasted for about an hour. then it went away. There was no explanation for this phenomenon and to this day i can't find any reference to it.

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    1 month ago. Rating: 3

    Huh, could you find a link or some video on the two sun's thing online, I would like to check it out. Thank you for your comment, I think many people are reluctant to answer this type of question because of the stigma put on people who have seen UFO's.

    People who haven't witnessed them for themselves think that you are crazy or something. But if or when, they see one for themselves, they will be joining a large, growing group of people.
    Report abuse commented 1 month ago

    The first one our family saw was at night and it was as big as the sun. At first, it was round then, it constantly changed shape. I ran in to get my neighbour, but when we came out it was gone.

    Wow! Things like this really make you wonder.. These things have fascinated me since I was a kid, I hope that before my silent night I get to find out whats going on..
    Well, I don't know whether what I saw was an alien spacecraft or a meteorite. In any case, it was an Unknown Flying Object. I was like 15 years old or so, and this happened in Spain. I suddenly looked up into the night sky exactly over my head (which is a weird and uncomfy angle). A large, round white light shone there and became smaller and smaller until it vanished in the darkness, as if it was moving away into space at very high speed. Of course, the other explanation would be that it was a meteorite which got consumed as it entered the earth's atmosphere. Who knows...

    It's true, Sniper, I have seen them during the day and night. As long as they don't try to abduct me, I'll be happy.

    Do you know of anyone who has tried to sell an alien/ufo artifact? 

    hi eggplant you know i saw an alien ship in my backyard glowing like an sewage glop slimy like an snill slithering undder an apple tree there it was a toy alien ship lol bye from sniper1237. shh dont tell the fbi and the  erea 51 agent's

    I have also seen a UFO, I reported on it in another thread here.. I hate to go looking for it and i don't want to type it all out again.. maybe I will search it and repost here..



    no little green men but things in the sky that did not seem right

    Green men??? Careful, you'll be accused at being a racist here for that.. LOL

    hahaha lmao vinny :)

    Not only racist, but also sexist! Why should green women not be able to fly a spacecraft, huh? ;)
    No, of course you're not the only one. I don't know where the others are, but obviously loads of people claim having seen UFOs. Patience, they'll pop up (the other people).

    there is another explannation for such experiences...

    .... I have suspected a few aliens on this site.

    That was 5 years ago, since then they've all been identified.


    You disappeared, then re-appeared, strange but true.

    ive seen strange things several times. there was one just a couple of months ago. i saw it in the sky, round, very small or high up. i had my sunglasses on, so i took them off to try to see better, i couldnt see it at all without my sun glasses. my daughter claims she didnt see any thing, when i put my glasses back on i could see it moving along. it was silvery in color.and thats why i think i could only see it through my sunglasses

    An old saying comes to mind,believe only half you see and none you hear,,..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<...

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