    best way to clean battery cables on car

    0  Views: 439 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    My father use to recommend a light coat of Vaseline on the cables and terminals after you cleaned them to inhibit future corrosion. I found that it did work.

    things you'll need:

    * Wire brush
    * Battery
    * Battery cables
    * Wrench

    * 1

    Lean over the battery inside the hood of the car and look for the battery terminals. Compact cars may have the car battery turned on its side.
    * 2

    Read the signs at the base of each terminal. One will have a plus sign, the other a minus. Plus is positive and minus is negative.
    * 3

    Take a wrench and loosen the bolts on the battery cable. Loosen the negative one first. Clean one terminal and cable at a time, and then do the other.
    * 4

    Wiggle the cable end to help remove it from the terminal post.
    * 5

    Use the stiffness of a wire brush to clean the battery terminals and cables. It's important to have both clean for a strong connection. Insert the wire brush into the cable end and twist.
    * 6

    Check for frayed ends on the cable and replace if necessary. Don't try to repair cables, as replacing them isn't expensive.
    * 7

    Blow and wipe away dirt and corrosion from the battery terminals and cables, then reconnect.

    Read more: How to Clean Battery Cables |

    Baking soda and vinegar. Clean corrosion on battery terminals. That's how we did it.. Of course only if you're lazy-- The wire brush is the best way.

    Hey, wire brush and vaseline worked great for me! I'm not lazy either. *pout*

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