18 Answers
I liked it at first, I like to help people when I can and like to be helped by intelligent people.Lately we've been getting idiots and racist on this site. I'm beginning not to like it. I like people like Raider and Pamela, they are intelligent people.
14 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I left Pamela, Spaceghost and Jenn a little note below as well as my last TU! For you guys. Thanks
I like coming here because reading many of the comments and answers by some of my favs like , raider, SG , jenn , pam , colleen and a few others make me smile and feel good inside. THANKS TO ALL YOU GUYS
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Thank you so much banksizit, I appreciate the comment. I try to ask questions that spark an interest and I try to answer questions with intelligence and from the heart. I'm sure that I speak for some of your other favorites, that we ENJOY your input answering questions and the questions you ask. YOU are one of US, WE are family here. THANK YOU AND THUMBS UP MY FRIEND .
Hey Spaceghost, Pamela and Jenn, you are all great. I am getting to involved and am going to Mexico for the next six days w/ no computer or even a cell phone. Any TU while I am away will be much appreciated. That is if any of mu Q or A are worth a crap! Luv you all.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
<a href="/users/99/raider8763/">@Raider8763</a> - Love ya, back, and you know we got your back! You will be missed, enjoy your trip, with a safe return!!!
Raider we are going to miss you man, but have a good trip and please be careful, giving you a thumbs up for this. Luv you too my man.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Many of the newer questions you can't even understand what the people are trying to ask. It's a more sterile atmosphere here than the old site, I don't know, it's just not the same, I'm just still let down with the new format.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I have enjoyed talking to many of the ppl on this site. I try to ignore the goof-balls. It is good to know I am not the only one out there chalk full of wisdom...LOL (you guys are great)
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
<a href="/users/779/jenn/">@Jenn</a> - I believe we all have a lot in common and it complaints one another. So, from me to Jenn, Spaceghost, and Raider8763, BFF!!!
Run out of votes, still a thumbs-up!!!
I left you and Spaceghost a little note below as well as Pamela. Thanks Also here is another TU!
Hey BFF,Pam, Raider, Jenn, Coach, Colleen and some others to numerous to mention, LOVE YOU GUYS !!!
When I came here I was really stupid, now I'm not as stupid.. LOL
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
<a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> & <a href="/users/2363/mindblade16/">@Mindblade16</a> - Let the good, outweigh the bad. We are needed to show some balance of power. We have the power of influence. As the old saying goes...we don't die, we multiply. Have A Great Day!!!