I can use buzz words like "Grand Unified Field Theory" and such, but I'm horrible at math ;D
Seriously, if it can, then we can develop tech to make machines powered by god instead of electricity
and where did you get the dumb idea that Einstein's theories are redundant? he is still being proved correct to this day! ;-)
15 Answers
One day it will be possible. We don't have the technical and scientific means yet, but I believe it is a matter of time.
Reality changes constantly, depending on the "facts" our momentary scientific knowledge allows us to discover. Remember, some centuries ago the earth was flat, and the stars were pinned to the firmament. That was the truth back then.
Who knows what will be tomorrow's facts. Time to be curious!
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
The universe is intelligently "mind-like", which is why we can partially comprehend it with our minds. It it wasn't, then we wouldn't be able to. The universe is also mathematical, and we can use math to figure out the physics of it. Obviously then, God is the intelligent mind behind it all, communicating these things to our minds.
14 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
You're making a hopeful assumption that requires blind faith. That is, if you are talking about the god of the bible. Words cannot express what the highest(still climbing endlessly; there is no top)is. We can try to quantify it with science theories(theories are based on actual data), but an infinite being will not be understood. You cannot be older than your father. Even when you are as old(as a spirit)as he is now, he will be that much older. There is no bottom. There is no top. Perfection is an imperfect idea.
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
If your god is above science, then go ahead an throw yourself into a pit of hungry lions, or set yourself on fire. That's in the bible.
all fictional stories are beyond science, because fictional stories are all made up from peoples imaginations!!!
how would you explain how the universe began? and try without saying goddidit! because there is no proof that any imaginary being did it, and there never has been any proof, ever!
the big bang is one of many theories, all theories have merit, and one will be proven when we have the ability to do so.
I do believe in miracles = they have proved that at Lourds. Doctors do replace organs but we are talking about miracles as it has to be proved by scientists that a miracle took place. It has to be proved that something outside of our human power has caused this miracle to happen and something scientists cant understand,.
The scientists are still baffled by the Turin Shroud. They have said a lot more work has to be done on this
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
A scientist who is baffled by the Turin Shroud should have his/her title revoked. Are they equallly baffled by an image of Christ on their morning bagel?
Some scientists, like Richard Dawkins for instance, believe that science can actually disprove the existence of a God, but other disagree, saying that increased knowledge of the complexity of our universe only reinforces that belief.
Have a good read of the following articles & decide for yourself:
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
All you have to do is see people who've been healed
by God. I don't mean just minor things, I mean sicknesses
like cancer, or have organs totally replaced like a heart or
a liver. That to me is enough scientific proof. I've been
following God since 1964, and I've seen these miracles and
many more. What more proof does any intelligent person need?
Nope. Hard to prove the existence of something that doesn't exist.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Without being Created by God then you must believe we came from a spec of dust that for some reason started to live. You must have more fait that most. It takes a lot of fait to believe that we all came from a fish that thought ' I will try to live on the land and breath air. I will become a bird, an insect, an elephant, an ape and perhaps a humaqn. Wow. Such faith
god has nothing to do with the sun,but if he did i would start to believe just before i die.because as i said,people fear death and made up the god thing.you used your supposed god to issue a threat of some sort to my existance this type of comment will have happened thousands of years ago to convert god fearing people to believe.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
roger roger,you described the replacement of human organs and cancer cures as an act of god.surgeons replace the organs donated by generous people who want to help others.if all the donors believed in god why would they bother with having a belief that a better place is in heaven .sorry if this offends because i also believe that most.. god fearing people are a caring kind.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
im a christian but i bealeave that science can not prove the existance of god, however we have never fully understad this world we live on.im sure wene we die the truth we come...and i hope all of you relise how plain this is!and that god is REAL if you dont,then thats your proplem.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I don't truly believe so. MAN still only uses 10% of his brain. As far as science goes it's a work in progress. Science, theories, pop culture over the centuries has been worked... sold. Then reworked to throw away all or some of the previous knowledge. Einstein's stuff is almost redundant or proved interesting BUTT Wrong !