    How does a mother deal with her son dying suddenly?

    0  Views: 687 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    deeply sorry for your loss, theirs nothing i or any one else can do to ease your pain. it's comforting to know that your son loved you very much as well you did him. dwell on the good memeries, it's all right to cry as well who wouldn't . perhaps its a releif to know he is now with the father all mighty!i'm praying each day will get easier for you... all my love and prayers...daren

    Good answer Darren and a nice one to put you over te 10000

    Yes, congrats! I see Benthere REALLY likes you! He went back and found all your topics and up voted you. Sweet! I need a friend like that! :)

    i noticed that as well . i can HONESTLY say i was as surprised as anyone else
    Just know that he's in a better place right now. it's a door every human passes through, only the time and place is unknown. You can cry as much as you want, spill every feeling you have, and once your finished, it will leave traces of course, these traces will remind you of him and will make you feel sad again, but the thing is, with every memory that comes, make it a happy one, convert it to a happier one, one that will make you smile at the thought of it, one that will make you think, how good is it that he's in a better place, a place more closer to god. keep the warm memories beside you whenever you feel sad. always remind yourself, there is no use in crying all your life, that you too, your time is unknown, spend it wisely and move on. :) traces will always be there, it's just about how you deal with them.
    It's something you never get over. That is the hardest grief---the loss of a son or daughter. Just try to keep busy. that's what my cousin did when her baby died. He was only 3 mos old :-(
    There is no true answer to that question. The circumstances around the death of a loved one may have some solution as to how to handle it. My friends son was murdered 19 yrs ago and he still mourns everyday, some people simply can't deal with and accept the fact that we all die regardless of circumstance.

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