    How do we get Karma on this thing?

    +5  Views: 815 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    Here's a TU to help build your karma points. Good luck and enjoy the site :-)

    7 Answers

    Yvonne, all jokes aside, we get a lot of 'stupid' questions designed to annoy us regulars, this site has many intelligent people answering questions the best they can. As Flip says, you get karma for the quality of answer you provide-- Of course, some answer are based on one's opinions and these opinions sometimes will strike a down vote from a person that disagrees with you. It's not mandatory but I do think that a down vote has more credence if the person voting down an answer would explain his/her disapproval without name calling and belittling.

    If you feel you have the proper answer for a question, give it and watch your karma go up.. I just voted you up to get you started..

    have fun!!
    You get Karma here when you ask questions that require a little thought to answer, and also when you make intelligent answers. Other site members vote you up (or down) using the thumb icons. You cannot vote anyone down until you have built up enough Karma.
    Say something nice...

    Like in real life? So, who decides when one deserves to get Karma?

    Thank you for your answer.

    Each person on their own decides if they want to vote a question or answer up or down.
    here is another thumbs up cause i'm a nice guy
    Vinny, Thanks for the straight up answer. I'm understanding this site as I go along. I really like it. And...thanks for the thumbs up!!
    I dont think people have a grasp on what karma is.KARMA is caused by lack of wisdom, after a while you get to be a whiz at being dumb. you then stop and get the reward for having learned to stop.Wisdom. Now you have the power to erase karma.That clears the way for Dharma.wich allows you to help others erase theirs wich increases your blessings and all things of a positive nature. my name is Mark.......A MARK that is backwards and against its heart spells karma you have my personal respect for wanting what seemed good. truth came your way because of your innocence.Look for the good karma with all your words ,actions ,and thoughts. D harm A. dont harn anyone.

    To all that answered my Kharma question and gave me their thumbs up ...I am touched and reminded again that there are nice people in this world.

    two from me cause you both are

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