    How Do You Typically Make Friends?

    Which one:

    1. With difficulty

    2. Easily

    3. Cautiously

    4. Warmly

    +5  Views: 580 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    I find it hard I think I have more friends on this site as every one I know I have nothing in common a part from the usual nice day bla bla I really couldnt have a good conversation on anything really they seem to be in thier own litle world which is nothing wrong in that and the trouble is with me is I am frightned to be my selve incase they dont except me I am better now than I use to be as I have had a rather intriging life and people just dont understand or perhaps its me who knows anyway I am happy I have you lot Thank you


    Always be yourself Mel if people don't except you as you are, it's there misfortune. i like poms.
    ed shank

    This site is a pleasant change from the same horseshit conversations I have with my regular crew. All are decent people, but they can get boring.

    thank you for your comment bullitman and I am so glad you like Poms luv ya LOL

    thank you Ed for your comment as you say this site is really nice thank you again Mel LOL

    As far as I know Mel you are a great person, always deem yourself as such. Whatever you do for someone else, always include yourself. You are worthy for whatever you set your sights on, and for those who don't agree, oh well, that's their problem. I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet through this site my friend. Don't ever be frightened to be yourself. You can say with confidence let everyone know, love me or hate me, agree with me or disagree with me, accept me or reject me, what you see is what you get. I am what I am, I will be what I am meant to be. Don't ever change for anyone, if there is a change, let it be for the better. Love, hugs and kisses!!! :-)

    Pamela you had me in tears then when reading your comment you are such a dear person and yes I wont changeand yes I am happy for who I am and I am so fortunate to have met you and all the other guys on this site you are true friends thank you all love you to bits Pamela :-)

    I am glad to here for you, Mel. Thanks for the tears of joy, that let's us know you are happy. That makes us happy for you. :-)

    It used to be easily. Now I am more cautious.

    I don't.I don't need any more than the five I have that I can count on.
    I'm a cross between easily and cautiously.

    well put Pamela lol

    Thanks, Mel!
    warmly the greatest gift god has given other than salvation is the christian friennds he has brought in my life over the past 5 years

    I dont bother with making friends,sometimes they can be more trouble than their worth.More comfortable with my own company.

    I am like you Pamela ..... easily and cautiously.


    I make friends easily, but, I am very cautious, whom I let into my world. :-)

    Pamela, I believe this is a good approach. One never know who will cross our path with a touch of malice.

    I am a cautious person now , very cautious

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