    if a man or a woman is a twin would their children be twins

    i am a twin and i was told my wife would not have have twins because i am one is this true

    0  Views: 1671 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    a woman who is a twin , would not necesarily have twins; altho it does tend to run in families. They say it tends to skip a generation, altho that's not always the case too.My couin's son and his wife had two sets of twin girls, and one boy. It was all natural . My cousin's son has twins on our side of the family and his wife's father was a twin
    twins tend to run in families, but it tends to skip a generation. Example : my cousin's son and his wife had TWO sets of girl twins. It was all natural. I think it's b/c his great grandmother was a twin AND his wife's dad was a twin.
    My grandmother was a twin, but I didn't have kids :-( Had I had kids, there's a good chance I would have had twins.
    Twins run in our family. My great grandmother was a twin. Not identical though. My twins were not identical either. You would not have twins. Your wife does that work. If you have a daughter she could have twins because she is your offspring. It is hard to say really.
    if you're a man/woman and u two are twins, why would u have a baby together? that would be your brother or sister. and if that did happen (not betting on it), who would be the baby's aunt/uncle?
    overall: that's a weird question.

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