    What do you think of a doctor who wrongs someone by telling them they are in psychosis imagining things when the patient asks him for further testing only to find out at a later time the patient was right and now has a possibly deadly infection? Would this be filed under medical negligence or malpractice if a lawsuit was pursued?

    +1  Views: 714 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    You cannot sue someone for potential damage, otherwise everyone can sue any one else for variety of reasons and we all should spend our days in and out of courts. You may sue someone when there is clear evidence that there is an acual damage, the damage is the direct result of a medical negligence and that the damage is significant or permanent.
    yes you can.
    i think i would have gotton a second opinion long ago, doctors arn't magicians they base their opinion on medical fact. we dont go unless somthing is wrong. suing some one over their opinion is immorally wrong, unless it was willfull neglect then yes i would say go for it. a lawer could sum it up best.but they're main intreast is perhaps money above opinions. if thats what you want
    It is the medical arts... It is not an exact science... Many time when there is no obvious answer a Dr. will suggest a psycological one. There is no recourse.. You had the option of getting a second "opinion".
    Talk to a lawyer for the correct information on this.
    Yes, one should consult with an attorney. Most medical lawsuits require some sort of damage it doesn't require permanent damage. Most attorneys like having a doctors statement stating "because of the error of another has caused some type damage or could have resulted in the loss of or death" but one will never know without trying.
    The doctor was expreasing an opinion, you can't sue an opinion.
    This issue is ongoing and we have several attorneys interested in it. There is so much more to it than the basic information I posted. The doctor is my husband's primary care doctor who should have paid a little more attention to his patient instead of walking away in mid conversation.
    This issue is ongoing and we have several attorneys interested in it. There is so much more to it than the basic information I posted. The doctor is my husband's primary care doctor who should have paid a little more attention to his patient instead of walking away in mid conversation.
    Hello everyone, thanks for the feedback.
    Doctors are human and errors can occur in off-hand diagnosis. This sounds like the dr did not know what was wrong so threw an off-hand diagnosis into the ring. I would have consulted another doctor immediately, but this is not always an option It is hard to sue a doctor as the medical ranks will close around him/her You will need an attorney versed in medical malpractice if you wish to follow this any further.

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