    Curious to know how many musically inclined individuals are out here.

    +4  Views: 1098 Answers: 17 Posted: 13 years ago

    17 Answers

    Long time ago i used to play a few notes on a guitar..never really got into Electric..I used to tune it by ear,now i would not have a hope..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    I play the radio. I used to be able to sing a little, but I tried to make a musical video for my wife today, and now realize my singing will be like hipster's ... alone in the shower!

    funny flip! tu
    btw ... what is the name of your little dog. too cute. that's the kind i want but i have a cat and i know it wouldn't work.

    His name is Max, half Bichon, half Schnauzer. Doesn't shed, hypo-allergenic. Wonderful dog but has huge separation anxiety problems, thinks he's a human and wants to be with me at all times. talent

    My piano is in dire need of cleaning and tuning, and I in desperate need to play before I forget what I learned in 9 years of lessons. 

    Sax and harmonica

    I do...
    ole hipster

    Hello there ya' doing?..I just want to know "you do what?" (:

    I am a musician! Professional... i am musically inclined! But I can't hammer a nail straight. we all have out limitations, that is mine, and I suck at sports..
    I played trombone, baritone, and bass guitar in high school. Later I learned a little sax and acoustic guitar I pretty much have an appreciation for most any type or style of music.

    I haven't played any instruments in years though, I do miss it somewhat.
    The good thing about you singing to your wife is she'll tolerate and still love you in the end no matter how terrible you think you may sound. My pets literally run and hide when they believe I'm about to sing something. I gave up on it but slip every now and again where I'm quickly re-directed back to reality by someone.

    fun question. i played the guitar for 3 & 4 year olds for years. gave it up a few years ago. i sang to them too and they liked it!
    here's what i found out: you have to sing & play every day or you lose the ability. tomorrow i'll begin again. i'll sing along to train ... "hey soul sister" thumb up.
    Me? I can only sing in the shower or else all the neighborhood dogs would start howling if I tried to do so in earshot of any living thing...and...never played an instrument..we did not have that particular luxury of being able to afford either instruments or lessons...lost interest as an adult due to circumstances of life, i.e. having kids, holding down a lucrative and viable job, etc. etc. etc.
    I'm happy to see so many of you have not only the talent but this great gift. The only music I play is that of when I'm popping in a CD. I'd scare everyone if I gave it a try at anything that has to do with music.
    That's great, I myself don't play any type of instrument but sometimes sit and listen to my husband play.
    My husband plays the guitar and the harmonica (at the same time) his stage name is Slide Harpo. He plays around here mostly, but has also played at bars in the Phoenix area when he visits there.
    i play piano & keyboard for 40 years,still cant read notes, just make up my own stuff. its fun.
    I used to play the violin in junior high school through college. I don't anymore. I can play a little guitar now. Don't get much time to because of work.
    I play the Violin ::)
    not professionally of course
    more like my favourite hobby ::)
    I love to sing and play the piano, but am not professional...only for relaxation! Love to listen to others, too! My sis plays the piano really well!
    I love music: classical, opera, choral and pop.

    If I had three wishes one of them would be to sing in tune. I'm not tone-deaf because wrong notes hurt, but the closest I can get to not sounding utterly awful is "happy birthday".

    I'm so very happy for the feedback. My husband plays and was just curious to see what was out here. He plays daily for several hours but can't seem to find those who are as serious as he is who is willing to come out and jam with him.

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