    I found an old book with 3 100 dollar bills inside. The book was in a car in the junkyard. What should I do?

    0  Views: 408 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I know you want to keep it but realistically the money rightfully belongs to the owner of the junkyard. Think about it, if you put money in an old car on your property and someone came along and found it, would you say it's yours or theirs for finding it? If the owner is cool, he may let you keep it or at least share it with you. No matter what he does, know you did the right thing and maybe even passed a test God gave you. ;)

    (geez, did I just make myself sound religious? Eek!)

    wow colleen, if you didn't add that bit of last sentence '(geez..)' i would've thought you were an 'Iluvjesus' twin ;)

    I was slooowly typing my answer when you posted. The fact that DWRawls was in a junk yard leads me to believe it is one where the customer removes his own parts. I feel the money more likely belongs to a customer who laid it down while removing his part.
    I would advertise it in the local media as a large sum of money found in a book. Do not give the amount nor the name of the book. Make anyone who claims it describe amount and name of book. You could Anonomously inform the junk yard about the advertisement in case they know who lost it.
    If i was you, seriously, maybe i would probably use the money for my own good, adding it to my savings won't do harm, come on, maybe it was there for me to find and keep?
    Out of all the people why did chance chose me instead to find it, duh, because i needed it.
    who was it that posted a thread about "if you really want something the whole universe would aspire to make it happen"
    I seriously would vote to believe in that saying when i would come upon such money out of nowhere :)

    One must follow ones own conscience. ;)

    I guess of course :)
    Spend the 300 bucks.. Or you could send it to me, I figure out the righteous thing to do with it..

    Colleen gets 20% of any $100.00 bills found in a book in a car at a junkyard... That's just the way it is..

    LOL, you're such a smartazz

    Hush up girl, I'm working for ya this time..

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