    How do you get rid of Canadian geese

    0  Views: 780 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Did you know that birds are third down on the list of intelligence from man? There were some studies done in an Australian university that birds are highly intelligent and do have a thinking process. Leave them alone.
    Duckbill? How ironic.. :) Eggplant says they are pretty smart, just tell 'em to leave..
    Oh, come on. They're CANADIAN ! What's not to love? They're agile, worldly, intelligent and oh so humble. Besides, your bigger migratory problem is MEXICAN ;-)
    I have a plastic owl on my dock, but it has to be moved daily. It does help, but really the only way to get rid of them is to shoot them. They are flying rats. They can contaminate water making it unsafe to swim in. Eco-lie is common at this time of the year.
    well a good way that works if you have accses to a gun is to shoot in an upward angle. This usually scares them away. also if you have anything that looks like a fox you should definatly use that. But ut you dont have any of those thing. you should make loud noises!!!

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