    What is your favourite painting?

    0  Views: 1506 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: art
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    How about a vote for the most complete and correct answer? The 3rd one down.

    9 Answers

    I have cried when seeing a Dali I never thought I would see and cried at the doors of Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio in Oak Park but I have to say that I am most moved by ... shoot!  I can't say...I think about it and it changes.  I have been brought to tears by so many paintings.  The latest big cry was at the National gallery in Ottawa.  The Group of Seven.  I was a babbling baby and that was a bit of a surprise.  Brilliance is just that.  I don't think I can ever have a favorite painting or work of art because there is always another one to see in real life. 

    I will say that the Mona Lisa is much smaller than I imagined.


    Frank Lloyd Wright's home????

    I like Andrew Wyeth - any of them.

    I have the farm dog on the chenile bedspread print at the head of my bed. I can't say it makes me cry and I can't say it doesn't.

    I like my own mirror frame paintings all around my house. Each reminds me of a year and a different house.  

    Mine is one by a very probably not well known local artist his name is Ronnie Farmer the name of the painting is Even Kings Cry. It touched my heart very much and I love it do not own it because I cannot afford it but would love to.


    Martina try goggling Ronnie Farmer or Ronald Farmer he should still have a web site with that painting on it. Hope you find it it is truly touching to me.


    Thank you Darci13. I'm an art teacher, I would love to see that painting, so I looked it up on the internet but I couldn't find it. If you have a link where I can see it let me know. It seems to me that you are very sensitive I hope you can get the painting one day. XOOOXX

    I thought this was about our favourite work of art! Well, I may be mistaken. I do no painting myself at all. I sometimes get down to drawing and sketching stuff, and I enjoy doing graphic design.

    In case the question referred to our preferences in the fine arts, I love renaissance paintings, and from the more recent expressions I like Gauguin very much.



    Graphic Design was my favorite class of all classes EVER. I just took one.
    I don't want to paint anymore. I should have run with it.

    Yes there is Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo's great pictures you can decide on which one you favor the most. However, I am now into modern abstract paintings and one relatively new artists, Herb Tannen, painted a picture called Dream Walker among others. Check out his modern art and see if you fancy any of it at
    However, these are considered the best paintings of all time -
    •Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci)
    •Woman III (Willem de Kooning)
    •The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci)
    •Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (Gustav Klim)
    •The Old Guitarist (Picasso)
    •The Persistence of Memory (Dali)
    •The Last Judgment (Michelangelo)
    •Portrait of Dr. Gachet (Vincent van Gogh)
    •Au Lapin Agile (Pablo Picasso)
    •No. 5, 1948 (Jackson Pollock)

    I like the birthday card painting my 4 yr old grandson did for me best. But I also like most of Constable.


    Awwwww, that's lovely! It must be the most amazing painting you ever saw and is yours! And you know the artist! mmmm I think I'm jealous... You are a very lucky person and your grandson too!

    I like doing fences and walls

    Any painting by Salvador Dali, a true genius with his paintings and his visions of the future

    banksie takes some beating


    yessss he's greit and you don't need to enter to the museum!

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