    Help me search for my Biological father please...

    I am looking for my biological father. His name is Carlos Mendes. He is in his late 60's and lives in Portugal. I know that he has 2 children. A boy and a girl that are older than me. I am 20 years old. He was working in MossGas in South Africa in 1990 and was friends with my mom, I was the result. I would dearly love to find him but I don't know how. I have tried so much and everything leads to a dead end... Help!!!

    0  Views: 727 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    perhaps not the answer you were looking for,but it seems to me your mom would be your best lead.. sorry.. my heart is with you on your search

    Yeah, the info I gave is what my mom knows. She knows nothing else.... bleh! But thank you anyways :) xx
    do you know how to do a google search. you probably do ... i'm just asking. maybe it would be for the better if he searched for you? good luck with whatever your outcome is. oh, you know ... you could hire a detective. it would be expensive but maybe you have the $$$?

    Thanks, I have tried Google and FB as well. Hours and hours of searching but it seems impossible. I don't have the type of money for a PI but maybe I could look into it when I get back to South Africa. I'm in the USA at the moment. Thank You! xx
    My husband is in the same situation, unfortunately his mother is no longer alive. Since she died he has found that he had a brother who was adopted again no knowledge. Everone who may have known have also died.

    I am sorry to hear about your family's loss. God Bless. xx

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