    African Mango tabs

    Has anyone used this product? Is there a "catch" in losing weight or is it simple as it appears? Do you have to change your life style even if it is relatively healthy?

    -1  Views: 3307 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

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    The most helpful favorable review

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    3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

    4.0 out of 5 stars Has worked for me so far!
    I started trying to lose weight the old fashioned way by dieting and exercising and was losing 1-2lbs a week for a little over a month. I started taking these pills in addition to my diet and exercise and have lost 3-6lbs a week for the past few weeks. Overall, I am very pleased. I agree it does have a lot of caffeine but I have always been a coffee drinker so I just...

    Published 13 months ago by Shannabanana

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    16 of 16 people found the following review helpful

    1.0 out of 5 stars Too much caffeine
    This supplement has way too much caffeine. I felt horrible everytime I took it and I only took one pill at a time.

    Published 22 months ago by janmon

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