    best food for my dog wet or dry somtimes the vet says wet somtimes he say dry

    i use iams dry iams wet now benifull diet dry mix with some wet food i never get the same ans.

    0  Views: 281 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Well since I have cats not dogs, nothing against dogs just cats are easier to care for inside only when I work a lot, but I myself do not care for Iams food products at all. I have been a pet owner most all my life and the best food I have found is Hills Science Diet. Now one of my cats is 17 years old and has kidney disease so I therefore have to get my Dry Science Diet at the vets as it is prescription formula. But I feed mine dry all the time and sometimes they get some canned food all along, but for some reason they will not eat the canned Science Diet kind no matter what I get, so I get the Friskies meaty bits with gravy and like I said I am careful because of my oldest but I do feed them both. And be sure you always change the water every day and plenty of fresh water.

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