    Who would you like to be President of the United States and why

    +16  Views: 1230 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    Have your karma back, Ann.

    It is not the Karma but Respect for other peoples Nationality
    that I care most about. Thanks very much though for for beeing so considered. You are a good man. God bless. Ann

    Yes, because I could get loads of gorgeous women coming into the White House to have some fun, just like JFK and Clinton did! That said, with all the rooms there, there is just one where it would be impossible to corner them. That's in the Oval Office. It has no corners.

    11 Answers

    I would like to run for office, but it takes way to much money, and you wind up owing everyone favors, politics is very corrupt even on the city levels.
    The reason I would like to run is to help the average American. It seems like the lower and middle classes have been getting screwed by the government and big corporations for years and years now.

    There hasn't been any leaders looking out for the little guy in many, many, of the last terms.

    I would be one of those presidents who get assassinated though, because I would start fixing all the problems that the government has been busy making the last few terms, Washington wouldn't like that. They enjoy the system as it is now,broken and useless.

    My first few actions as president would be securing all of our borders, issuing a national I.D. card to make it more difficult for illegal aliens to blend in. Also I would get out of every war we are currently in on foreign soil. I would have the army core of engineers start rebuilding the the waterways and bridges that are old and need of repair.

    I would also end all foreign aid, hire business experts to balance the budget, get rid of all of the wasteful spending that we have, and make the federal reserve a national bank once again. I would make a simple flat rate of taxes, 10 percent of a household income, and if possible do away with income tax completely.

    I would stop all earmarks, and clean up the campaign system, making all contributions anonymous, that way you don't know who you owe favors to. I would also limit the terms of congressmen, to the same as the presidency.

    I would overhaul the school system and the prison system as well. Drug offenders would go to drug rehab, and receive regular drug tests, not serve long prison sentences. I have a lot more ideas, but I think all of these are very good ones. Hope this helps answer the question.

    You have my vote. Nothing like a free campaign platform eh? Now we just need all of America to join akaQA and read your post, lol

    Lol, you crack me up, thanks for your vote I appreciate it.

    Wow! I am impressed! This is what everyone has been waiting for Mr. President!

    I'm working on getting a p.o. box for campaign contributions, lol. Thanks
    Headless Man

    Sorry leeroy but don't think the president could do all that without a congress that would go along, Can I be your

    Sure, Sarah Palin decided she'd rather run with the Donald, so I have an opening, hope this decision won't effect Colleen's vote...

    Hey Leroy, where are you. We need you to save our country. Getting worried now, because have not heard from you.

    Wouldn't in a million years,.............................Yes I do love my country  but .only because of all the BS in D.C.  It's like another planet,  something foreign and alien to the rest of the nation.


    Other nations have lost respect for our country and most of us living in the US. have too. What a shame.
    Ron Paul. He is the only one who is trying to save our country from the Fed.

    Ron Paul has warned us for many years about was has come true now, that is our great dept and exessive spending has brought our country to the brink of bankruptcy. No one listened to him.m Its a shame. I like him
    any one that beats obama, why? well thats pretty obvious

    Second that
    I wanna be president because it pays better than my presentjob and I won't need to work as hard and I can get the Nobel peace prize and 20k-- plus! I can take credit for being a hero for everything the previous president started when it was wrong...

    I wanna be your running mate. I like easy jobs :)

    Hm. Two Peas in a pot.

    Cool! I can't tell my son , he is leaning German and everything to do with Germany. He bombards with questions! Sometimes I want to run away for the day

    Are you in the USA?!


    Yes, I live in NH. Came to this country in 1963.I lived in Germany for 17 years, but was born in Bohemia, Czeckoslovakia. Still have lots of Cousins and theire families there. I used to live in Bavaria, very close to Nuremberg.

    That is so cool! I am 3rd generation American. French/Scots. Bad combo!

    Angela Markel


    I agree. She would a great President, if only she was an American. The Germans have great respect for her and love her.

    I watch her speeches, and she is on my son's facebook. We love her! If only she could be president!!!!!!
    Thank You!!!
    And Thank You for knowing who she is!

    Daisy, I still have relatives in Germany and they very happy to have her run theire country

    " (ME) ! First I would make sure that every one would have a (JOB) by make-in sure that every household product read (MADE IN THE U.S.A.) on it! " Then I would bring our troops home with a home com-in, the likes of which that, they won't ever forget so they'll have time with their loved ones. Then I would declare all out war on the (Drug Cartels) until  "mission accomplished" by building-up our military that would surpass any other country's on the plant, so that no one would give a thought of mess in with us. And if we "have" to police the world then "so be it,"  but rest assure (WE) will be our own destiny! " I cant go into further details into I meet with (MY) cabinet members, but suffice it to say that's the "jist" of it."  " MAY (GOD)! BLESS (AMERICA) & LONG MAY (FREEDOM) RING ! "................ (PANDA).


    that sounds like a perfect deal to me.

    I would consider you for president, if you were running,

    Yes! Think of all the pretty women I could sneak into the Oval Office!""


    I understand, Bill

    Ann..your moniker wouldn't be Monica?

    Not a Chance

    Yes,as president of US is considered one of the most powerful president so who don't wants to a president of US. 


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    And why?

    No , i wouldn't , because for me it would be a big responsibility , and nobody isn't perfect and if i will do a mistake it will cost to millions people . And i wouldn't have a peace life. I want to do something that don't make me especially from the others and the main point to have a happy and quite life. That is my thought and something that are bad to be president is that your family isn't safe, you don't have much time to discuss with family and friends, and to promise so much when you aren't very sure for what you talk etc. And normally has very good things like high salary, good experience etc.

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