    sending people to hell?

    If God is all loving and all forgiving, then why does he send people to hell??

    +1  Views: 3255 Answers: 28 Posted: 14 years ago
    Tags: to send hell
    blessed lady

    god loves all people...but he gave us his son,,and if we dont accept him,,,he will not accept us...


    First of all. God does not send anybody to hell. God created hell for the Devil and his followers. People who do not believe in God follow the Devil. God knows we cannot be just like him; that is without sin, So He sent Jesus to live a sinless life and when he died he was the sacrifice that opened the gates of heaven. All we have to do is ask Him, Jesus, to forgive our sin and believe he can and you are saved from Hell.


    hell/heaven only exist to make you do wot you are told. without them

    those in control of an religion have no power


    if god love all people why damand that thay worship him befoure
    being given everlasting life.
    a god that loves would give that to all people he created
    no jusy those on there knees

    28 Answers

    So let me get this straight, if I don't follow God I'm following the devil? Who made that up?
    What if I don't follow the devil either? Will I still go to Hell?
    Also I can be a murder / rapist / thief / and all I have to do is ask god for his forgiveness?
    Religion is a racket devised by those who seek POWER among men.
    It may have started out as something noble to guide men thru life's journey but it has been perverted into nothing more than the controlling of men and women. It gives false hope to those who are poor and dimwitted. Throughout history all religion's of all faiths lay claim that theirs is the true path to heaven and those who do not believe that theirs is the true path, paid for it with their lives.

    This is still going on today. killing in the name of GOD. What a world we live in.
    People need to believe in themselves. To draw from within themselves the strength and courage to carry on. If religion is going to guide people thru their journey in life then it should embrace all men and women of all faiths, but of course this is never the case. We are a people of complex emotions, fear is our worst of all and it's that fear that drives us all. Those who know this use it against those who don't understand it.
    This may all sound like I'm against all religious beliefs , not true, just those who believe that theirs is the one true path and everyone else should just either go to hell by killing them in the name of their God or join theirs.
    Written by someone who was raised a catholic.


    Go tell em orion. Could not agree more. The ideals of christianity I believe in but all this hocus pocus is similar to the "boogy" or "bogy" man. That was started to keep children away from the marshes or bogs. "If you go near the marsh there is a bogy man who will take you away' In Australia the local indigenous people have a "Bunyip" that lives in water holes so the children do not go there out of fear of the Bunyip.Do what the religion tells you or pay the price. Bullshit.

    I am a bit confused. God according to some answers is God, Jesus & the Holy Spiriy all rolled into one
    . That being the case was Jesus talking to himself on the cross when he said "Forgive them father, they know not what they do" I am aware he had been under a bit of stress, but talking to your self?
    This Holy Spirit bloke what does he have to do with anything.
    There is far too much "faith' sprouted by people who can`t come up with a real answer.
    I think "hope" is far more plausible, and I could go along with that


    God (Elohim)is the overall divine description of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all equal as different personifications. When the Son came into this physical realm as Jesus, he was emptied of his divineness, and therefore depended on the Father for everything, setting the example for us.
    Jehovah is a man-made name. The Jews did not want to take YHWH in vain so they interpolated the vowels of Adonai into YHWH=Yahweh=Jehovah. Jehovah and Jesus are the same personification, in different testaments


    NO, they are not all one. The words in the bible have changed though-out the years, They took the word Jehovah out and put the word lord in it's place. Lord is a land owner. God deserves more then to be called LORD

    no name

    God and jesus are not the same ,so no jesus wasnt talking to himself at the cross,he was talking to his father,God. jesus is the son sent to earth as a sacrifice for all our sins.

    it seems like there is a lot of negative energy in this thread. A lot of bad scores. Don't hate people who think differently, for that is what religion does to your mind.. much love

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Nice and sweet to the point. Thumbs up.

    why do we put naughty people in prison. Well there's yer answer. cos no one else wants them

    papa peg

    JESUS loves everyone even prisoners.If you are in prison you can still be saved.

    He doesn't. There is no God. He was invented to control the behavior those who can be convinced to believe that he exists.

    You could do the same with a rock in your back yard. You could claim the rock is all powerful and is the source of all good that happens to you. When something bad happens to you, it's because you didn't believe deeply enough in the rock. Also, if you deny the divinity of the rock or fail to worship it correctly, you'd be punished when you die.

    On the other hand, if you were to tie a bomb to your back and blow yourself up in order to kill people who don't believe in the rock, you'd be rewarded with 72 virgins to rape or sodomize as you please. Still, you would not want to wonder why the rock, being all powerful wouldn't kill the unbelievers itself. (This is a question that muslim terrorists are too stupid to ask themselves about Allah.)

    Wondering about that would be blasphemy. Remember, if you blaspheme, you'd be punished after you die. Why wouldn't you be punished before you die? Asking that question is blasphemy.

    Neither would you be permitted to wonder if the rock really is all powerful. Nor would you be permitted to ask for proof of its power or to see its power with your own eyes. Doing so would mean you'd be puninished when you die.

    Do you see how easy it is to invent your own religion with gullible people?

    God send no body to hell,They only send them self.

    So let me get this straight, if I don't follow God I'm following the devil? Who made that up?
    What if I don't follow the devil either? Will I still go to Hell?
    Also I can be a murder / rapist / thief / and all I have to do is ask god for his forgiveness?
    Religion is a racket devised by those who seek POWER among men.
    It may have started out as something noble to guide men thru life's journey but it has been perverted into nothing more than the controlling of men and women. It gives false hope to those who are poor and dimwitted. Throughout history all religion's of all faiths lay claim that theirs is the true path to heaven and those who do not believe that theirs is the true path, paid for it with their lives.

    This is still going on today. killing in the name of GOD. What a world we live in.
    People need to believe in themselves. To draw from within themselves the strength and courage to carry on. If religion is going to guide people thru their journey in life then it should embrace all men and women of all faiths, but of course this is never the case. We are a people of complex emotions, fear is our worst of all and it's that fear that drives us all. Those who know this use it against those who don't understand it.
    This may all sound like I'm against all religious beliefs , not true, just those who believe that theirs is the one true path and everyone else should just either go to hell by killing them in the name of their God or join theirs.

    Written by someone who was raised a catholic.


    I don't know what church you've been to? I have never been to a church that claims that (their religion) is the only way to heaven, and I've been to several. I have never been a part of a religion that kills people. If you aren't following God you may be following yourself and not the devil. Yes people do need to believe in themselves but, you may want to check out a non-denominational church? Religion was created by man and man is flawed, man would still kill man with or without religion. Maybe get to know the real God, the God who loves everyone.JESUS.

    OK so god condemns all people but christens to hell?

    wot happens to all the people thought history who could not of herd about a

    christen god,is ignorance reworded with an eternity of pain.

    please explain how a loving god could allow this


    Anyone going to amswer ouchies` question? What about the ones who have never heard of Jesus


    After Jesus died; before the third day when he came back to life, He went to hell and took the keys of death, from Satan. He witnessed to all those who died and hadn't know of him. God gives everyone a chance to accept Him or to deny Him, if you believe you are rewarded. If you deny or don't believe Him, that's your choice. He didn't make us robots- he gave us free will, it's your choice to believe or not to believe. He made hell for demons not people. It's Gods will that everyone would be saved, He loves us all. But it is still your choice.


    where in the bible duse it say this??
    pleas supply futher info


    wher did the comment about jesus and hell come from.
    its not in the bible!!!!

    Because the people sent to hell dont ask for forgivness.

    because it causes fear. and the definition of FEAR ....False--Evidence--Appearing--Real

    God doesn't send you to hell.You send yourself to hell .Ask JESUS to forgive you for your sins and he will forgive you. GOD BLESS DON

    Heaven and Hell are a state of mind. they are symbolic for higher vibrations and lower vibrations. When your soul is on a lower vibrational frequency of awareness.. earth can seem like hell.

    Because the system he created was one based on faith. Faith that people will choose God instead of living apart from Him. For those that choose poorly, there is a place separate from God. Makes sense to me. If you don't like God then go live apart from him in hell.

    Many people refer to God as a being, an object or an entity of sorts that will shine on just ones self. It does not matter if you are Catholic, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, whatever you were born into or have come to believe by what you have experienced or what you have been taught. All these religions send the same message. The message has simply been missed by the evils of mankind.

    It does not matter by what name you call god or what church or temple you wish to worship in. The very things that gave us life will end our life. It is what we do while we are here that matters. You do not have to go to church every week or get down on your hands and knees. The spirit is all around us and all you have to do is look to see. If you are so blind you cannot see I will spell it out for you. When people do extraordinary things to help others, when people are polite and kind and do no harm and when people just do the best they can with what they have. Nothing spells it out more than the following:-

    Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

    ahhhhhhhhhhh God didnt tell someone do commit a crime/sin... so its a choice of a human that he follows what is told in the Book he follows or chooses his own way ... so i think its same way when a teacher tells u that if u do ur HW on time else u will be punished.. and teacher is the one who decides what punishment wud dat be... might forgive we cud be forgiven 4 any thing nice we have done includes helping others, praying following His directions per the Book we follow... and the most rewarded will be the one Who helps Others...

    I read today that two brothers cut and beat up a teacher for teaching their sister about other religions. How can people be so blinkered?

    I kind of think of a benevolent God , that doesn't want to punish me with "72" virgins when I die. I want a God that says to me when I die,"what were you thinking about"? "Ok,here's all the people that you have ever loved in your life. I forgive you all that you have done"!!

    If God works in mysterious ways, why wouldn't the Devil?

    So let me get this straight, if I don't follow God I'm following the devil? Who made that up?
    What if I don't follow the devil either? Will I still go to Hell?
    Also I can be a murder / rapist / thief / and all I have to do is ask god for his forgiveness?
    Religion is a racket devised by those who seek POWER among men.
    It may have started out as something noble to guide men thru life's journey but it has been perverted into nothing more than the controlling of men and women. It gives false hope to those who are poor and dimwitted. Throughout history all religion's of all faiths lay claim that theirs is the true path to heaven and those who do not believe that theirs is the true path, paid for it with their lives.

    This is still going on today. killing in the name of GOD. What a world we live in.
    People need to believe in themselves. To draw from within themselves the strength and courage to carry on. If religion is going to guide people thru their journey in life then it should embrace all men and women of all faiths, but of course this is never the case. We are a people of complex emotions, fear is our worst of all and it's that fear that drives us all. Those who know this use it against those who don't understand it.
    This may all sound like I'm against all religious beliefs , not true, just those who believe that theirs is the one true path and everyone else should just either go to hell by killing them in the name of their God or join theirs.

    Written by someone who was raised a catholic.


    some nice comments worth saying twice!!

    we are living in hell!!!!!!!

    only christens go to hell as only they believe in it.


    If you are such a non-believer, why are you even on here reading what others have to say?

    papa peg

    Well watch the news our government is slowly.Taking away our freedom of speech.You don't like christins or blacks or muslims or babies.Do you even like yourselves.


    So Reener you don't like your beliefs to be challenged,tough do you think you have a God given right stop others reading about different views,it's called freedom of speech.

    there is no hell
    this is a myth made up by Arabs or Hebrews 5000 year ago

    send people to hell

    Because they refuse to ask Jesus Christ into their heart as their savior and read your bible he even kicked Satan out of heaven as he was one of his most beautiful smart angels, but he thought he could take over and be God so read your bible.

    Heaven and Hell are a state of mind. they are symbolic for higher vibrations and lower vibrations. When your soul is on a lower vibrational frequency of awareness.. earth can seem like hell. However, heaven is real if you have the courage to ascend.

    look we die and thats it
    no heven ,no hell we just stop
    isent one life enough?


    You may continue being reincarnated until you decide that it's not enough.


    i wonnan be a tree


    thats not true.
    but thay use the term saved insted of heven

    everyone has the same oppertunity to go to heaven. dening God will send you to hell. believing in Jesus will get you to heaven

    Not all Religions believe in Hell. I believe when you died you are in a sleep state. You have to study God to know all the facts. don't believe everything you hear, make your own judgment on God. Find the right religion for you. Just FIND GOD! The rest will work out


    Jehovah's Witness. {means God's Witness}

    If you go to one of their places {kingdom hall} They have no Jesus art work. No statues of God on a Cross. They are a loving people and will study with you and never ask you for one dime. Most churches will study with you. You have to find where you are comfortable. hope all this help.


    what religion doesnt believe in hell :o i didnt know that... cud u tell plz..

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