    How safe is your Meat?

    How safe is the meat you buy at the grocery store?

    I have posted the results from a recent study.

    +2  Views: 1098 Answers: 20 Posted: 13 years ago

    20 Answers

    WEll, aren't we lucky :D My dad doesn't eat any kind of meat unless he BUYS the animal Himself and Watches the killing by his two old buddies that he trusts :)
    He has loads of time in his hands :)

    Did he ever want to be an assassin when he was younger? Ha, ha. Wow, that's wild, I went to watch my friend kill his pigs for a big cookout we had. It was really bloody, gory too. I still ate the pork though it was delicious cooked on a spit fire.
    ole hipster

    Funny about your Dad eldest daughter used to catch, kill, skin and cook outdoors rabbits. I've seen many hogs killed and eaten a lot of that wonderful meat....also have seen gators being "poached" wrestled to the ground, tied up, taken home, killed and cooked...I'm sure I'm forgetting some others...I lived in a very rural part of Florida for a time..(:

    he he :D
    how safe is any thing really at that on the more we know the worse we are : hyper mentally.. stop telling us the truth .. only one that wants to hear it is me... who else really matters .. besides those who undersatand that life is more than a hot dog
    What the consumer should know is that the beef industry has made demonstrable progress in achieving significant reductions in all bacteria on raw beef products, pathogenic and nonpathogenic. That progress is quantified and confirmed by ongoing USDA tests. And we continue to invest millions of dollars in making further improvements in the safety and the wholesomeness of our beef products. ...

    For the consumer, I would suggest that there is still a responsibility, even with all this improvement, to handle the food in a proper manner. And that means, cooking it properly; keeping it chilled before you cook it; store it properly. It is a safe and wholesome food supply, but it is not a zero-risk supply. And there are some responsibilities at the end of the process that still exist, and frankly probably always will exist.

    Good advice Pamela, t.u.2 u.
    We don't buy meat at the store. We usually by it from a friend of ours that raises beef cattle, We buy a 1/4 beef at a time that will last bout a year to year and an half
    Now that leeroy can be a "leading" question!!! lol (PS hope you are doing well my friend!)
    just read this article about it -

    I get all my meat from an organic meat supplier, I don't trust big meat producing companies! :-)

    Thanks Grit, will check it out! Good advice for those of us that go to the big grocery stores. I have a little meat market near my pad, it's a much fresher and better cut of meat.

    Yes, good article...
    I don't eat meat, so I'm safe. Heh, heh.
    Study: Half of supermarket meat may have staph bug
    By MIKE STOBBE AP Medical Writer
    Posted: 04/15/2011 12:04:27 PM MDT
    Updated: 04/15/2011 04:00:08 PM MDT

    ATLANTA—Half the meat and poultry sold in the supermarket may be tainted with the staph germ, a new report suggests.

    The new estimate is based on just 136 samples of beef, chicken, pork and turkey purchased from grocery stores in Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Flagstaff, Ariz. and Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

    Proper cooking kills the germs, and federal health officials estimate staph accounts for less than 3 percent of foodborne illnesses, far less than more common bugs like salmonella and E. coli.

    The new study found more than half the samples contained Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that can make people sick. Worse, half of those contaminated samples had a form of staph that's resistant to at least three kinds of antibiotics.

    "This study shows that much of our meat and poultry is contaminated with multidrug-resistant staph," Paul Keim, one of the study's authors, said in a statement. "Now we need to determine what this means in terms of risk to the consumer."

    Keim and his co-authors work at the nonprofit Translational Genomics Research Institute in Arizona. Their study is to be published in the journal Clinical infectious Diseases, an institute spokesman said.

    Staph germs are commonly found on the skin and in the noses of up to 25 percent of healthy people. The bacteria can be spread in many settings, including in the packing plant or in the kitchen, and it can cause food poisoning.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that staph accounts for roughly 240,000 cases a year. Handwashing and proper cooking are the best ways to avoid problems.

    The study's authors note that livestock and poultry are steadily fed low doses of antibiotics at industrial farms. They suggest that may be a contributor to the antibiotic resistance seen in some meat samples.

    Among the types of drug-resistant germs the researchers found, one was methicillin-resistant staph, or MRSA, a superbug that can be fatal. They found MRSA in three of the 136 samples.

    Food and Drug Administration officials say meat does not seem to be a significant route for MRSA transmission, but health officials continue to study the issue.

    The government doesn't routinely check retail meat and poultry for staph bacteria. However, a fairly recent FDA pilot study in the Washington area looked at more than 1,100 meat and poultry samples and found staph in 280 of them.

    A Louisiana State University study of 120 meat samples found it in almost half of pork chops and 20 percent of beef steak samples. That study, published in 2009, calculated the superbug MRSA was in about 5 percent of pork samples and 3 percent of beef.

    In a statement Friday, the American Meat Institute said the study is misleading.

    "Despite the claims of this small study, consumers can feel confident that meat and poultry is safe," said James H. Hodges, the organization's president.

    Read more: Study: Half of supermarket meat may have staph bug - The Denver Post
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    I do not want to think about it if I die I die.
    I think because of the immence amount of logistics involved in the meat industry it would be almost impossibe to fully certify meat products as completely safe for human consumption. Companies try and regulators try but the sad truth is some unsafe meat products will slip thru the process at one time or another.

    People just have to cook their meat thoroughly. Buy a meat thermometer, and you can look up what temperature you need to heat up meat to kill the bacteria.
    I'm sure glad we are paying billions of dollars for the FDA to keep our meat germ free.
    Well Leeroy, i did ask him that question yesterday after i saw your comment. and he gave me a 'glare :#' the same one he used to give me when i used to be a child asking for sweets :( .... so knowing full well of what i had to do was ...back off... i guess it meant a 'no' :D
    I thought for sure some one like colleen or TSC would say well I've got crab's meat so, not really safe. eeww.

    I don't understand this comment?

    This is the first time I visited this thread and am only here now out of boredom. The way this whole world is polluted and contaminated, I don't stress over the small amounts of beef, pork and poultry I eat.

    I was just talking about meat jokes....
    Sounds like a google search to me, poowiggle. Feel free to post what you find, sounds like it's an interesting question. I doubt that many micro-organisms can pass through most digestive tracts, but I know some can.
    Laughing still, yeah, it was meant to be provocative...
    ole hipster

    You old dog you! lol
    what about gm crops cattle eat i guess this must be transferred
    to the cattle could it change there DNA
    and then transferred to humans
    yah me .i love it.

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