    when will I lose my hair from chemo

    0  Views: 402 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    HAIR LOSS CONTINUED. Don`t fool yourself you are in for a rough time but I have suggestions that may, and I hope will, help you in the time ahead. Talk openly about your condition to your friends this will help them be less embarressed. This next one sounds absolutely stupid but it works. Each morning look in a mirror and say out loud " Piss off Cancer I don`t want you in my body piss off"If you are of the mind substitute the "F" word for piss. Drink water and as you do imagine the water is washing the cancer out of your body.
    These suggestions will help you develop a positive mental attitude and that is the one thing you need at this time and in the time ahead. You will feel suitably stupid the first few times you look in the mirror and tell it to piss off but do it, don`t let this prick of a thing control you. Trust your oncologist and if it comes to it your surgeon. If you live in Australia and would like to talk by `phone or if close to us face to face come back on site and we will work out a way to pass our number to you. My wife has so far beaten it but it did mean the total removal of her stomach so it can be done and my love as another human being goes out to you.
    I can only tell you that my wife started losing her hair after about three treatments. In her case this was three weeks ie:at one treatment per week. I have no idea where you live but we are in Queensland Australia, or the type of cancer you have. My wifes` hair started to grow back about six weeks after her last treatment. It has grown back very curly and she had her first visit to the hairdresser for a tidy up last week.
    We bought a wig at the outset and when hair loss started my wife had her head shaved. I would not reccommend this again The wig was a waste of money. The wig was irritating on my wifes` scalp. She was able to get specal scarves from the Queensland Cancer Council which is what she wore .

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