    hoe long is vicodin detectable for a urinalisis

    0  Views: 561 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: vicodin

    1 Answer

    Vicodin is a combination drug made up of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Acetaminophen is not tested for in urine drug screens, but hydrocodone is - it's part of the 'opioid' family of pain-relievers.

    Hydrocodone has a 1/2 life of 3.3-4.4 hours: this means it takes that long for 1/2 of the drug in your blood to leave your body. Different vicodin prescriptions have different amounts of hydrocodone in them, but commonly it's 5mg per dose - but you can see how this will get confusing if you're taking vicodin every 4-6 hours!

    The best estimate is a few days to be completely out of your system since last taking the medication.
    If you are taking vicodin because of a recent surgical procedure or for chronic pain, you can present the prescription to the institution testing you. You will also want to be up-front about taking this medication since it is meant to help you and it may show up on a drug screen.
    Many people want to know how to 'beat' drug tests, but the fact is: if you are taking prescription medication for a medical condition, AND you are open about taking this medication, then you have nothing wrong.

    2 to 5 days depending on your usage.

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