    parental advice

    i have no parental responserbilty as my surname is not on the childs birth certifacate what do i do

    0  Views: 1470 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    It depends on what your intentions are. If you are trying to gain parental rights as the biological father and the mother is disputing this or refusing you any involvement in your child's life you need an attorney. If your fatherhood is being disputed you can gain a court order for a paternity DNA test that will provide conclusive results. This will give you certain parental rights and responsibilities depending on what state you reside in and any court action you may need to take.

    Yes you do have parental responsibility if you are the parent. A simple phone call to legal aid will help you. A more complex solution would be a DNA test, but worth it. Talk to your family doctor, he can point you in the right direction. Good luck

    Are you the father and don't want to pay for child support? That issue will never go away, but the most important part is what about the child? Will you be there or provide enough money to care for the child? Your question is missing important info for me to be able to answer the question.

    psyco mum

    beachbaby1957,... the question was posted by "Karen" I dont think she is the Father. DUH

    go see a solicitor and get an order of residence then you can get access and equal rights in the court and at school etc before you do anything else

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