    is it possible to exstend your penis free of charge

    i'm indigent also so i'm short on penis & cash

    0  Views: 999 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Face it, you were born with a " standard white boy issued penis " .Its not what you have , its how you use it. Im sure colleen and leroy will agree with me on this.

    Personally, I really don't care how he uses it, lol Don't really think Leeroy cares either ;D

    Extend it? When does your subscription expire? Find out and see if the publisher can charge you every month for an issue.

    My mother always told my brothers, "If you play with it, you'll stunt it's growth". So my advice, free of charge even, is, stop playing with it! (kidding)

    There are ways to enhance penis size naturally like:

    Healthy lifestyle. You need to eat healthy to get the necessary nutrients and vitamins to get the energy you need. Get enough sleep to keep you healthy. Your organs including your sexual organs will achieve its full capacity if you are healthy. A strong and healthy body can perform well during lovemaking.

    Exercise. There are exercises designed to regulate and increase blood flow around the penis giving you more hardness, length and girth. Like any part of your body, the penis needs exercise to attain its full length and capacity. But still, you need to do the exercises properly to enhance penis size naturally and avoid injuries.

    A few exercises are listed here:

    You realize of course, every male will go to that blogspot now :)

    Yup and I also realize I will now be hit with e-mails from every male enhancement site on the internet. Just what every lesbian needs, lol

    No good deed goes unpunished I guess :)
    Hang a house brick on it for six months> Worked for me, only trouble I pee sideways from not having brick correctly aligned. Terrible for the bloke alongside of me at the urinal.

    no ... if you do that in public you will be charged... by the po-po!  lol

    No, it cost me over $500 to have the 10" weapon I now posses.
    Grab a hold of it and pull.

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