    what are statistics of surviving serious head trauma

    0  Views: 453 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Not good. Sorry to disappoint you.
    It is possible that with time things will get better. I would suggest going to the websites about the human brain that feature forums about this subject, so that you can read up on it. "Never say Die!"
    I had a family member that survived brain trauma, and has made an excellent, but slow recovery. If you can find out WHAT FUNCTIONS of the Parts of the brain are affected, then that will help you to learn about how to live amongst that person who has been affected by it. You must put on your brave persona and go forward into that part of your strength that says "This, too, shall pass."

    If it is too hard to deal with the person, then they may have to have special treatment in a group home for whatever brain trauma that they are suffering from. You can love them, visit them, bring them things, but you can then go home and still have some life. You may be lucky and things might go well for you. It is a matter of time and healing and also, prayer. God bless you and whoever suffered this serious head trauma.

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