    Do you feel different about Obama, now that BL is dead?

    Do you give credit to Obama?

    +1  Views: 3147 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    he certainly gave a truely americanized patriotic speech, funny about the timeing, re-elections are just around the coner!for a few short moments i felt like he was certainly out for americas best intreast.. but he still refuses to admit the war is against islam, not muslems. theres is a differance!he's the cashing in on the hard work of our us inteligence network, like any other canidate would, as far as voting for him again...NO
    he certainly gave a truely americanized patriotic speech, funny about the timeing, re-elections are just around the coner!for a few short moments i felt like he was certainly out for americas best intrest.. but he still refuses to admit the war is against islam, not muslems. theres is a differance!he's the cashing in on the hard work of our us inteligence network, like any other canidate would, as far as voting for him again...NO
    The CIA started theire investgation 4 yrs. ago. I would credit
    the CIA and the military who did a great job. He was a radical
    evil Islamist and he deserved to die.
    No. Any president would have given the same order to kill the f***k.
    I dont think He deserves any credit for this awesome CIA and Military operations to kill BIn Laden, I could done what he did, sit in white house and take 5-6 government paid vacations in one year and give orders and then take the all credits for it.
    I give Obama credit for a nice speech, he does that

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