    Should this man get the death penalty

    In a town near us a man was released from prison 3 weeks ago for armed robbery, He just killed his girlfriends' mentally handicapped sister,A couple of days ago and left her body on the railroad tracks for a train to come by. Should this man live?? If you say yes Why??

    +6  Views: 2369 Answers: 24 Posted: 13 years ago

    24 Answers

    I would be for the death penalty in this case.What a horrific crime!Sometimes crime is the result of race, poverty and social opression. The primary cause is simply individual choice,. Those Choises were determined by ones moral concience which is shaped early in life and most crucially by the family.Until we reclaim our families and our children, we will never deal with the moral crisis in our society.

    If the death penalty was more widely used and swift to action, the crime rate would be much lower. It sounds like the death penalty would be in order. To kill a mentally challenged person is just demented.



    I totally agree.


    thanks Col

    Time to fire-up "sparky".

    The US supreme court has just ruled that California must release about 40,000 criminals because of overcrowding. I feel they should start with the execution of murderers, pedophiles and rapists. That should relieve some of the problem.

    That's the latest reason why I'm leaving this country very soon. Releasing these criminals is stupid! Some neighborhoods in this country the fire department won't even go in without a police presence. This is because all these Liberal's like the ACLU, etc. I'm sure if something like this happened to one of these slick lawyer's family, he would sure whistle another tune.

    Flip, left a response to your answer below in the wrong spot, check it out. Thumbs up on your answer.

    I'm in faveor of lynching the sob

    For a crime such as his...he should be shot by those whose loved one had to die in such a way!

    He deserves the death penalty and maybe he will get it. But he will be incarcerated 4 15 years before his time is up, that is how our system works. Mitchell explain to me why the death penalty is not cost effective. I'm a little confused. I just cannot understand this concept, I mean to have the public pay 4 years&years to keep a person in prison, I would think that would cost more.


    Common use your google, I just did and found many results.

    I haven't read these, but I've known for years what their conclusions are. Your gonna have to do the reading.

    I think it's important to have the punishment fit the crime, if a murderer know that he can just live the rest of his life in an air conditioned jail, with cable t.v. and three square meals, what's so scary about that to a career criminal?

    The justice system is in desperate need of reform. Once the penalty fits the crime and justice is swift, the crime rates will most likely go down...

    I am in Australia and we do not have the death penalty here. I believe for particularly terrable crimes such as this, the death penalty should exist.

    After rereading  everything, I have changed my mind. He should get life in prison,If he is with the regular prison population someone will kill him anyway once they find out what he is in for.

    He should be given the death penalty and soon.

    I think the Death Penalty

    I think our prison system in America needs to be tougher on convicts. They should only be eligible for emergency health care, like pulling a rotten tooth. They should have hard labor, no t.v., no computer, no risque material to view, plain diet-beans and rice, things like that. This would bring costs down and make prison a place that people don't want to go. I've heard of illegals coming here just so they could commit a crime and do time here. That said, I don't believe in the death penalty. It's not cost effective and I think all criminals should be made to work to pay for their crimes.


    A car thief and a murderer as described above should not be treated the same. This guy needs to be snuffed out as quickly as possible. Cost effective? At appropriately $100.00 per day (California) to keep his sorry butt from his date in hell is not cost effective. How about us spend that 100 bucks on your child's education instead? waddia think about that? Prison is the new safe haven for these lowlifes and we make very certain that they are comfortable and well fed. We are very considerate to our murderers and killers of our innocent society. prison should not be the Waldorf hotel.

    I am, ziltch, zero on the death penalty here.... we just keep the bad nuts incarcerated forever and a day plus another day after that.

    A car thief and a murderer as described above should not be treated the same. This guy needs to be snuffed out as quickly as possible. Cost effective? At appropriately $100.00 per day (California) to keep his sorry butt from his date in hell is not cost effective. How about us spend that 100 bucks on your child's education instead? waddia think about that? Prison is the new safe haven for these lowlifes and we make very certain that they are comfortable and well fed. We are very considerate to our murderers and killers of our innocent society. prison should not be the Waldorf hotel.

    Is it possible to give this man , hard labour, instead of the death penalty, make him suffer,every day, he lives.

    I think it's better that he watch the lethal injection go into his arm. What could be more unsettling than that?

    As far as I understand he is strapped down, so he would not see the lethal injection, only feel it.That also would be upsetting for him, but only for short time, compaired to how his girl friend and family suffer, so why should he die and be free of all feelings.?
    I know that there are some here who don't like fox or G.B., but he mentioned this on his show tonight, he said that,"Though out history when a leader wants to create problem within a country the do this exact thing, release prisoners. Castro did it, Saddam Hussein, as well as many others."

    I suppose we will find out soon enough what new problems will emerge from letting out people who may be better off behind bars. Sorry I was commenting on Flips answer about releasing the criminals in CA.
    Unfortunately Dollybird, there is no such thing as hard labor any more. Prisoners have petitioned to be relieved of such things in some states because it is considered "unfair punishment". Here in NH we can't even use prisoners to clean the roadsides any more, it's not appropriate. What the heck are they doing while incarcerated? Sitting on their fat behinds, planning on how to rob and kill again when they get out of prison.

    Even the bible says an eye for an eye. As far as I know, turning the other cheek doesn't always work.

    I think PUBLIC HANGINGS should come back!!!

    I completely understand all of the above answersss and somewhat agree with them. The only reason I am answering No is because I am a lowly human and I dont feel like I have the right to make that decision. I want to leave it to God. But please... Im not arguing with anyone. I understand why everyone said yes.


    I agree. You'll never recover the loss of the life of the victim and there is always the chance that if the murderer has time to consider his egregious crime, he may repent. He'll still have to do his time here, the rest of his life with no chance of parole.

    I say tie him to the tracks....

    If you have ever been around these violent people you would say , HELL YES.  There is no rehab. Now this convict will sit on death row somewhere at a counties expense not the state until he is executed. The county where arrested pays the tab on this crime because the DA seeks the death penalty. Society will be better off with this one out of touch. I dont care what any religion has to say about this trying to spare his life.  

    I'm going to say a big NO to this question before even reading the rest of the details, no one should get the death penalty, no matter what crime. capital punishment is just inhumane, i know murdering is bad but i still am against capital punishment, life in prison would make him suffer more, believe me. :)

    An 'eye for an eye' makes the whole world blind!

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