    What are the fields of application of a steam turbine?

    With 5 years of experience in the steam turbine industry, I’ve seen how versatile steam turbines can be in different applications. They are used in several key fields, such as:

    1. Power Generation: Steam turbines are widely used in power plants to generate electricity by converting steam into mechanical energy.

    2. Industrial Processes: Many industries like paper, chemicals, and refineries use steam turbines to drive equipment like pumps and compressors.

    3. Cogeneration (CHP): Steam turbines can produce both electricity and heat at the same time, making the process highly efficient.

    4. Renewable Energy: They are also used in renewable energy projects, like geothermal and solar power plants.

    If you're looking for reliable and affordable steam turbines, I’d recommend checking out NCON Turbines for quality and experience.

    0  Views: 18 Answers: 0 Posted: 2 hours ago
    Tags: industry

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